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The Communication Working Group is focused on communication improving health and human security status in the U.S.

The mission of the Communication working group is to optimize the health, human security, resilience, and sustainability of Americans and their communities of interest globally. 


bevcorwin Kathy Gilbeaux Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald

Email address for group

House Leaders to HHS: Halt and Fix the EHR Incentive Program - by Joseph Goedert - October 5, 2012

Four powerful members of the U.S. House and Representatives have sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius calling for an immediate halt to the electronic health records meaningful use incentive program, which they consider to be weak.

. . . The House members contend the meaningful use program is not meeting its goals, has wasted $10 billion and may do more harm than good. What follows is text of their Oct. 4 letter to Sebelius:

“We are writing to express serious concerns about the final Electronic Health Record Stage 2 Meaningful Use Program rules recently issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. We believe that the Stage 2 rules are, in some respects, weaker than the proposed Stage 1 regulations released in 2009. The result will be a less efficient system that squanders taxpayer dollars and does little, if anything, to improve outcomes for Medicare.


Movie - Moneyball - Good Illustration for the Value of Data - Moneyball (2011)

This movie provides a good illustration for the value of data.

Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to put together a baseball club on a budget by employing computer-generated analysis to acquire new players.

Who's Your Spock on the Bridge?

submitted by Albert Gomez - by D. J. Patil - October 2, 2012

Tom Davenport and I recently had the opportunity to collaborate on an article in Harvard Business Review on the fast growing role of the data scientist. Not only was it a great honor to work with someone like Tom (whose books were critical for me in helping us think about building the LinkedIn Analytics Team), but it also an opportunity to reflect on how much has changed in the data space in the past couple of years. Those that have benefited the most from the use of data have really taken to heart the difference between talking about data and being ‘data driven’.


American Red Cross Introduces New Earthquake App for Mobile Devices - October 2, 2012

The American Red Cross has followed on the successful launch of its First Aid and Hurricane apps with the introduction of its free Earthquake App. The new app is available in both English and Spanish and is available for use on both iPhone and Android platforms. The Earthquake App, can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android by searching for American Red Cross. The American Red Cross makes clear that the app can help prepare people for disasters, but does not replace training.

Video: Blue Button to Download Your Health Information - September 10, 2012

The blue button puts the power of health information into the hands of patients.

Watch three veterans explain how the VA's Blue Button helps them get safer and better care. See what the blue button download capability can do for you.


How to Weather a Hurricane

The New York Times - by Daniel P. Aldrich - August 28, 2012

HURRICANE Isaac, which made landfall in Louisiana last night, has not only disrupted the Republican National Convention but also brought back painful memories of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the Gulf Coast seven years ago this week.

. . . As a political scientist (I taught at Tulane at the time), I decided to study how communities respond to natural disasters. I’ve concluded that the density and strength of social networks are the most important variables — not wealth, education or culture — in determining their resilience in the face of catastrophe.


Nokia Knows Where You'll Be 24 Hours From Now -
- by Geoffrey Ingersoll - August 13, 2012

Not only does your phone know where you are, but it knows where you are going to be. It may even know why you're going there.

He calls it the "Interdependence and Predictability of Human Mobility and Social Interactions," but the algorithm researcher Mirco Musolesi and his team recently tested in the UK stirs up thoughts reminiscent of Phillip K. Dick's Minority Report, and all the moral trappings that come with it.


Mirco Musolesi - Interdependence and Predictability of Human Mobility and Social Interactions (6 page .PDF file)

Friday’s Storms Raise Questions About Safety of Cloud Computing



The Goldberg family, from left, Oren, Elliette, Hannah, Laurel and their dog, Sophie, wait for Pepco to inspect the power lines outside their Verplanck Place NW home in Washington. A massive tree punctured the house when it fell during the June 29 storm. Several power lines snapped, littering the front lawn. A few are still intact, stretched close to the ground beneath the tree. "Before anything happens, they have to get here. It's not safe," Laurel Goldberg said.
Daniel C. Britt / The Washington Post - July 1, 2012

The Washington Post - by Craig Timberg - July 2, 2012

Storm-related outages at an Amazon data center in Ashburn prompted some congressional officials on Monday to question whether the federal government is moving too swiftly to put important data on private-sector cloud computing servers.

Social Networks Essential to Rebuilding from Western Wildfires, Other Disasters

Homeland Security News Wire - June 21, 2012

A disaster recovery expert says that the relationships people have with their neighbors are invaluable in the recovery from natural disasters from the moment an evacuation issue notice is granted to living in shelters and to how a community rebuilds after a wildfire, flooding, or hurricane

How well residents evicted by Western wildfires know their neighbors will likely play a major role in how they cope and rebuild, says a Purdue University expert.

The relationships people have with their neighbors are invaluable in the recovery from natural disasters from the moment an evacuation issue notice is granted to living in shelters and to how a community rebuilds after a wildfire, flooding or hurricane,” says Daniel Aldrich, an associate professor of political science who studies how people recover from natural disasters. “Supporting these social networks is just as important as the logistical planning of surviving and taking shelter from a natural disaster. My research shows that people who know their neighbors are more likely to survive and return to their communities to rebuild.”


howdy folks