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Major Study Projects No Long-Term Climate Benefit From Shale Gas Revolution

Climate Progress, By Joe Romm on October 18, 2013 at 11:13 am

Most claims that shale gas will significantly reduce US carbon emissions in the future are based on little more than hand-waving and wishful thinking. That’s because those claims assume natural gas is replacing coal only, rather than replacing some combination of coal, renewables, nuclear power, and energy efficiency — which is obviously what will happen in the real world.

To figure out what the impact of shale gas is actually going to be, you need an energy-economy model. And since the output of one model depends crucially on the specific assumptions it makes, the best approach would be to look at results of several models. And that is precisely what Stanford’s Energy Modeling Forum does in its new study, “Changing the Game? Emissions and Market Implications of New Natural Gas Supplies Report.”


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Supreme Court Preserves Victory Over Oil/Gas Development in Utah - October 18, 2013 - Doug Pflugh

It is rewarding to successfully wrap-up a case. This can be especially true when our work protects special places, preserving them for future generations. It is a pleasure to be able to point at a map and say, “Those are the places that were saved.”

The U.S. Supreme Court took action last week that did just that—endorsing an earlier conservation victory and ending the long fight over proposed oil and gas development on the doorstep of beloved public lands in the west ...

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Food and Water Watch is challenging fracking

You can join Food and Water Watch and other concerned citizens challenging fracking.

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Superheroes of the Solar Fields - October 14th, 2013

Solar is a $140 billion dollar industry. Qbotix, a Silicon Valley robotics firm, wants a piece of the pie. Their "SolBots," each sporting a superhero name, move through the solar fields adjusting panels once every 45 minutes maximizing the efficiency of the sun and increasing the value for the owner. Bloomberg Television's Rachel Crane reports. (Source: Bloomberg)


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Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons for New York (and elsewhere)

This panel discussion,Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons for New York, is an extremely informative review of the devastating nuclear event in Japan, the continuing challenges there, and the implications for our own nuclear energy facilities in the U.S. Start the video around 5 minutes in, as there is dead-time at the beginning. The total length is roughly three hours.

The panel includes the former Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan; Ralph Nader, political activist, author, attorney and lecturer; Dr. Gregory Jaczko; former NRC Commissioner, Peter Bradford; and nuclear engineer, Arnie Gundersen. The panel specifically addresses concerns regarding the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant now operating with an expired license in Buchanan, New York.

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Chevron Goes to Trial in New York Over $18 Billion Ecuador Award

A Chevron gas station sign is pictured at one of their retain gas stations in Cardiff, California October 9, 2013. 
Credit: Reuters/Mike Blake - by Bernard Vaughan - October 14, 2013

(Reuters) - Chevron Corp will try to convince a U.S. judge this week that a group of Ecuadorean villagers and their U.S. lawyer used bribery to win an $18 billion judgment against Chevron from a court in Ecuador, in the latest chapter in a long-running fight over pollution in the Amazon jungle.


CLICK HERE - Wikipedia - History - Lago Agrio Oil Field

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What is the Future of Energy Storage in North America?

                                                (CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO ENLARGE)


submitted by Albert Gomez - by Chet Lyons - October 10, 2013

Grid-Scale Energy Storage in North America 2013: Applications, Technologies and Suppliers

We are now entering the early growth stages of what will surely become a giant global industry - energy storage - which will both support and compete with conventional generation, transmission and distribution resources. The evolution of the industry will lead to new business models and the creation of new companies that make, apply and operate storage assets to help the grid work more reliably and cost-effectively, while decreasing unwanted environmental impacts.

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Increased Mercury Levels Near Tar Sands - by Andy Rowell - October 15, 2013

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Mercury Trends in Colonial Waterbird Eggs Downstream of the Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada

Scientists have released yet another academic study that indicates the growing ecological impact of the tar sands.

They measured the amount of mercury in birds eggs downstream from the tar sands and compared them to eggs some distance away from the polluting region.

What they found was that the eggs of certain species of predatory birds living downstream from the tar sands were found to have “statistically significant increases” of the dangerous heavy metal, mercury.


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ND Waits 11 Days to Tell Public About Oil Spill

BISMARCK, N.D. October 11, 2013 (AP)
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Saturday, October 19, 2013 is Global Frackdown Day - attend an event near you


On Saturday, October 19, 2013, there will be hundreds of events taking place throughout the world to bring to light the dangers of fracking.

See what events are taking place in your area

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