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Leaked documents reveal behind-the-scenes Ebola vaccine issues


By Jon Cohen and  Kai Kupferschmidt                          OCT.23, 2014

Extensive background documents from a meeting that took place today at the World Health Organization (WHO) have provided new details about exactly what it will take to test, produce, and bankroll Ebola vaccines, which could be a potential game changer in the epidemic.

ScienceInsider obtained materials that vaccinemakers, governments, and WHO provided to the 100 or so participants at a meeting on “access and financing” of Ebola vaccines. The documents put hard numbers on what until now have been somewhat fuzzy academic discussions. And they make clear to the attendees—who include representatives from governments, industry, philanthropies, and nongovernmental organizations—that although testing and production are moving forward at record speed, knotty issues remain. 

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WHO says Ebola vaccine plans accelerating as trials advance


REUTERS                                       OCT. 24

By Stephanie Nebehay and Kate Kelland

GENEVA/LONDON, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Trials of Ebola vaccines could begin in West Africa in December, a month earlier than expected, and hundreds of thousands of doses should be available for use by the middle of next year, the World Health Organization said on Friday.

Vaccines are being developed and made ready in record time by drugmakers working with regulators, the U.N. health agency said, but questions remain about their safety and efficacy which can only be settled by full clinical trials.

"Vaccine is not a magic bullet, but when ready they may be a good part of the effort to turn the tide against the epidemic," senior WHO official Marie-Paule Kieny told a news briefing after a meeting in Geneva of industry executives, global health experts, drug regulators and funders.

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Dallas Nurse Nina Pham, Now 'Ebola Free,' Discharged By NIH

NPR                                                                         Oct. 24   12:04 PM


BETHESDA, MARYLAND-- Dallas Nurse Nina Pham, who became the first person to contract Ebola on U.S. soil while treating patient Thomas Eric Duncan, is now free of the virus and has been discharged from a special facility at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

Nina Pham, 26, who became the first person to contract Ebola within the United States, is set to be released after testing free of the virus.--AP

Speaking at a news conference, Pham said ...

"Although I no longer have Ebola, I know it may be awhile before I get my strength back," Pham said, asking for the media to respect her privacy.

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Report: New York City physician tests positive for Ebola

UPDATES:  Officials Tracing New York Ebola Patient’s Movements, While Reassuring a Wary City-- Two stories


The Gutter, the bowling alley in Brooklyn that Dr. Spencer visited with friends on Wednesday night. According to Dr. Mary T. Bassett, New York City's health commissioner, Dr. Spencer was not symptomatic at the time. Credit Robert Stolarik for The New York Times

NEW YORK TIMES                                                                                     Oct. 24, 2014               

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Microsoft co-founder Allen to give $100M to fight Ebola

USA TODAY                                                                                               Oct. 23, 014
Bt Brett Melino

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen says he will pledge at least $100 million to help fight the spread of Ebola.

In a statement released through his personal website on Thursday, Allen says the funding will go to the State Department to develop medevac containment units to evacuate health professionals from West Africa.

Allen is also working with the University of Massachusetts Medical School to donate funds to offer training, medical workers and equipment in Liberia, one of the nations hardest hit by the Ebola epidemic....

Allen is not the first prominent tech name to lend their fortunes toward the Ebola crisis. Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, gave $25 million to the CDC Foundation. Last month, fellow Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates donated $50 million through his foundation to battle Ebola.

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New York tests healthcare worker who was in West Africa for Ebola

REUTERS                                                          Oct 23, 2014

 (Reuters) - A New York City hospital is running Ebola tests on a healthcare worker with Doctors Without Borders who returned to the United States from West Africa and developed a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms, the city health department said on Thursday.

Preliminary test results were expected in the next 12 hours, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said in a statement....

The patient, who returned to the United States within the past 21 days, is being treated at Bellevue Hospital, the city's health department said. Twenty-one days is the maximum incubation period for Ebola.

A Facebook page of a man identified as the patient by several news outlets includes a photo of him clad in protective gear. It shows he went to Guinea around Sept. 18 and then to Brussels on October 16.

News of the latest potential Ebola case in the United States caused stocks to pare gains late in the trading session. "It threw a little scare into the market," said Michael James, managing director of equity trading at Wedbush Securities in Los Angeles.

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World Health Summit - Aid Agencies Criticise Slow Ebola Response

CLICK HERE - VIDEO - World Health Summit
Aid Agencies Criticise Slow Ebola Response

Aid agencies fighting Ebola say the international community has been 'woefully underprepared' in tackling the crisis.

CLICK HERE - M 8 Alliance - Berlin Declaration on Ebola
World Health Summit 2014, Berlin October 19 to 22, 2014

(1 page .PDF document)

submitted by George Hurlburt

Special Symposium at the WHS 2014
Ebola: A Wake-Up Call for Global Health

With respect to the Ebola crisis, the World Health Summit has organized a special symposium "Ebola: A Wake-Up Call for Global Health" in association with the German Federal Ministry of Health and the German Federal Foreign Office, held on October 20 from 08:30 to 10:00 (Program >>>).

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CDC Issues Ebola No-Fly Letters

CDC confirms some possible Ebola contacts will not be permitted to travel by air - by Lauren Zakalik - October 23, 2014

A source at the Centers for Disease Control and Preparedness confirmed to News 8 Wednesday night that letters have been sent out telling certain people being monitored for Ebola contact that they cannot travel by air.

CDC No-Fly Letter

News 8 was the first to report the possibility of this "no-fly" list a week ago.

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Some U.S. hospitals weigh withholding care to Ebola patients

(Reuters) - The Ebola crisis is forcing the American healthcare system to consider the previously unthinkable: withholding some medical interventions because they are too dangerous to doctors and nurses and unlikely to help a patient.

U.S. hospitals have over the years come under criticism for undertaking measures that prolong dying rather than improve patients' quality of life.

But the care of the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, who received dialysis and intubation and infected two nurses caring for him, is spurring hospitals and medical associations to develop the first guidelines for what can reasonably be done and what should be withheld.

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Ebola Guidelines for Doctors’ Offices Are Called Vague and Vary by Region

NEW YORK TIMES                              Oct. 23, 2014


....While federal officials have been preoccupied with revamping hospital protocols for handling Ebola patients, critics say guidelines for doctors’ offices, walk-in clinics, blood-testing centers and other outpatient settings have remained spotty and vague.

That has often left local officials and medical associations to fill in the gaps and develop their own policies.

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