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This working group is focused on discussions about health.

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about health.


Corey Watts John Girard jonber37 Kathy Gilbeaux Lisa Stelly Thomas Maeryn Obley
mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com mike kraft

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Global Health as a Bridge to Security


CSIS - The Global Health Policy Center

Friday, November 2, 2012

12:00pm - 2:00pm
CSIS 1800 K St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20006
B1 Conference Room

Please join us on Friday, November 2nd from 12:00-2:00pm in the CSIS B1 conference center for a lunchtime launch of our new publication, Global Health as a Bridge to Security, which looks at the intersection of health and security in U.S. foreign policy over the last decade. The keynote will be given by Admiral William Fallon, U.S. Navy (retired), who chaired this effort, followed by a roundtable discussion with Admiral Fallon, Rear Admiral Thomas Cullison, U.S. Navy (retired), Ambassador Cameron Hume, and Dr. Ellen Embrey on the top priority agenda items for future military engagement overseas in public health.

**This event will be webcast live at:**


Prior Sources of Cholera Continue to Cause Cases in US - October 19, 2012

"SAN DIEGO — Data presented today at the ID Week 2012 meeting indicate that most cholera cases reported in the United States are associated with the consumption of Gulf Coast seafood and travel to cholera-endemic countries between 2001 and 2010."

“Domestically acquired cholera from other sources is rare, but still occurs,” Loharikar said. “Our report demonstrates that after the outbreak of cholera in Haiti, which spread to the Dominican Republic, we saw a dramatic increase in US cases, all associated with travel to or from Hispaniola. Until access to an improved health infrastructure is seen in Haiti, we expect to see more cases from Hispaniola and other areas of the Caribbean and Latin America as cholera spreads to neighboring areas.”


Report - Abstract - 653. Cholera in the United States, 2001 – 2011:  Role of Travel-Associated Illness in the Early 21st Century

Can Apps Help Reform the Healthcare System?

submitted by Eric Myers - by MollyJust - October 12, 2012

It is widely accepted that Internet-enabled health applications have the potential to provide better information to consumers but can they play a role in changing the health system at large? Recent reporting by the Health Care Blog and Health Data Management provide some insights here.

Many people believe in the power of apps to transform healthcare.


Is it time to get your flu shot?

Estimates were made using a model that proved accurate when compared to historic official flu activity data. - Flu Trends

We've found that certain search terms are good indicators of flu activity. Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data to estimate flu activity.


The Third Biennial Championing Public Health Nutrition 2012

Centre for Science in the Public Interest -

2012 Conference

The Third Biennial Championing Public Health Nutrition
October 29-30, 2012 at the University of Toronto's Hart House
7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, Canada

House Leaders to HHS: Halt and Fix the EHR Incentive Program - by Joseph Goedert - October 5, 2012

Four powerful members of the U.S. House and Representatives have sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius calling for an immediate halt to the electronic health records meaningful use incentive program, which they consider to be weak.

. . . The House members contend the meaningful use program is not meeting its goals, has wasted $10 billion and may do more harm than good. What follows is text of their Oct. 4 letter to Sebelius:

“We are writing to express serious concerns about the final Electronic Health Record Stage 2 Meaningful Use Program rules recently issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. We believe that the Stage 2 rules are, in some respects, weaker than the proposed Stage 1 regulations released in 2009. The result will be a less efficient system that squanders taxpayer dollars and does little, if anything, to improve outcomes for Medicare.


CBS - CDC - FDA - Multistate Meningitis Outbreak Investigation - CDC - FDA - October 9, 2012

(CBS News) NASHVILLE - The deadly outbreak of meningitis, tied to tainted steroid injections, keeps spreading.

This afternoon, health officials warned patients will need to watch for symptoms for three months, not the previously recommended 30 days.

Tennessee health officials also say they've identified a second fungus in the tainted vials -- Exserohilum -- a fungus most doctors never encounter in all their years practicing medicine.


CDC is aware that New England Compounding Center (NECC) has voluntarily expanded its recall to include all products currently in circulation that were compounded at and distributed from its facility in Framingham, Massachusetts.

List of Recalled Products Related to Fungal Meningitis Outbreak

Killers on the loose: the deadly viruses that threaten human survival

The Marburg virus: 'If tourists were tripping in and out of some python-infested Marburg repository, unprotected, and then boarding their return flights to other continents… it was an international threat.' Photograph: Science Photo Library

Image: The Marburg virus: 'If tourists were tripping in and out of some python-infested Marburg repository, unprotected, and then boarding their return flights to other continents… it was an international threat.' Photograph: Science Photo Library - September 28th, 2012 - David Quammen

Astrid Joosten was a 41-year-old Dutch woman who, in June 2008, went to Uganda with her husband. At home in Noord-Brabant, she worked as a business analyst. Both she and her husband, Jaap Taal, a financial manager, enjoyed annual adventures, especially to Africa. The journey in 2008, booked through an adventure-travel outfitter, took them to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, home to mountain gorillas.


Whooping Cough Vaccine Loses Effectiveness Faster Than Thought, Study Finds - by Mike Stobbe - September 12, 2012

NEW YORK — As the U.S. wrestles with its biggest whooping cough outbreak in decades, researchers appear to have zeroed in on the main cause: The safer vaccine that was introduced in the 1990s loses effectiveness much faster than previously thought.

A study published in Wednesday's New England Journal of Medicine found that the protective effect weakens dramatically soon after a youngster gets the last of the five recommended shots around age 6.

The protection rate falls from about 95 percent to 71 percent within five years, said researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Research Center in Oakland, Calif.


Study - NEJM - Waning Protection after Fifth Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine in Children

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Alzheimer's could be the most catastrophic impact of junk food

Because regulation is light, the industry can kill off the only effective system for telling us how much fat, sugar and salt food contains. Photograph: Brownstock Inc/Alamy

Image: Because regulation is light, the industry can kill off the only effective system for telling us how much fat, sugar and salt food contains. Photograph: Brownstock Inc/Alamy - September 10th, 2012 - George Monbiot

When you raise the subject of over-eating and obesity, you often see people at their worst. The comment threads discussing these issues reveal a legion of bullies who appear to delight in other people's problems.

When alcoholism and drug addiction are discussed, the tone tends to be sympathetic. When obesity is discussed, the conversation is dominated by mockery and blame, though the evidence suggests that it may be driven by similar forms of addiction.



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