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This working group is focused on discussions about health.

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about health.


Corey Watts John Girard jonber37 Kathy Gilbeaux Lisa Stelly Thomas Maeryn Obley
mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com mike kraft

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Hundreds of children across US sickened by severe respiratory virus

 A CDC spokesman said the agency is testing to see if the virus caused illnesses reported in children in Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma and Utah. Photograph: David Goldman/ - Monday 8 September 2014 21.24 BST

Suspected virus, enterovirus 68, typically causes illness lasting a week and most children recover with no lasting problems.

Hundreds of children in more than 10 states have been sickened by a severe respiratory illness that public health officials say may be caused by an uncommon virus similar to the germ that causes the common cold.

Nearly 500 children have been treated at one hospital alone – Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, Missouri – and some required intensive care, according to authorities.

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Épidémie d'Ebola : Appel à Send dans armées d'Afrique de l'Ouest pour aider le trottoir épidémie

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Tête de Médecins sans Frontières dit le monde est "perdre la bataille" comme des cas et décès continuent de surtension

MSF - - par Sarah Boulongne - 2 septembre 2014

Équipes militaires doivent être envoyées à l'Afrique de l'Ouest immédiatement si il doit y avoir un quelconque espoir de maîtriser l'épidémie d'Ebola, médecins sur la ligne de front, a déclaré l'ONU mardi, un tableau saisissant des agents de santé meurent, malades laissés sans soins et organismes infectieux se trouvant dans les rues.

Le Président international de Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), Dr Joanne Liu, dit membre déclare que bien que la sonnette d'alarme avait été sonner pendant six mois, la réponse a été trop peu, trop tard, et aucune quantité de vaccins et nouveaux médicaments ne serait en mesure d'empêcher la catastrophe escalade.

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HHS contrats avec Mapp biopharmaceutique pour développer Ebola médicament


travail permettra d'accélérer le développement de médicaments et tests - News - communiqué de presse - 2 septembre 2014

le développement d'un médicament pour traiter la maladie d'Ebola sera accéléré sous contrat avec l'US Department of Health and Human Services des Bureau du sous-secrétaire pour la préparation et d'intervention ( ERPS). Ce contrat prend en charge la réponse du gouvernement large à l'épidémie d'Ebola en Afrique de l'Ouest.


ASPR Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority ( BARDA) vont une contribution ainsi que l'accès à l'expertise de l'objet et support technique pour les activités réglementaires et non cliniques de fabrication, grâce à un $ 24,9 millions, 18 mois contrat avec Mapp biopharmaceutique Inc., San Diego, en Californie. ERPS peut prolonger le contrat jusqu'à un total de $ 42,3 millions.

Travaux prévus au contrat prend en charge le développement et la fabrication des médicaments dans le but d'approbation U.S. Food and Drug Administration ZMapp.

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Un autre médecin américain infecté par le virus d'Ebola au Libéria

Médecin missionnaire être traitée à l'hôpital de Monrovia - par Betsy McKay - - 2 septembre 2014

un troisième missionnaire américain a été infecté avec le virus d'Ebola alors qu'il travaillait au Libéria et est soigné dans une unité d'isolement à l'hôpital de Monrovia où il travaille.

L'homme, un médecin, a été traiter des patients de l'obstétrique, non des patients Ebola...

. . . On ne sait pas comment le médecin a été infecté, SIM USA a déclaré dans un communiqué mardi.

(lire l'ARTICLE complet)

cliquez ici - déclaration de SIM - SIM missionnaire médecin au Libéria Tests positifs pour le virus Ebola

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Ebola - Suspected Cases in the United States

A list of articles documenting suspected cases of Ebola in the United States . . .

6 people tested for Ebola in US: report

New York patient ‘unlikely to have Ebola,’ Health Department says. He remains in isolation

New York City hospital patient tests negative for Ebola

New Mexico woman tested for Ebola after visiting Sierra Leone

UNM Hospital: Woman not infected with Ebola virus

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Webcast: Climate Change and Health Presentation

submitted by Paul Reed - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health - August 6, 2014

Description: This presentation will provide an overarching national perspective and regional snapshots on climate change, key health findings from the National Climate Assessment, and best practices to build health resilience in communities.

Author: Sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. The presenters are from NOAA, CDC, and NIH.

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CDC Fighting Ebola at Home and Abroad: Staff Deployed to W Africa, Enhanced Surveillance, Testing, and Guidance in US - August 13, 2014

More than 50 CDC experts battling Ebola in Africa

Hundreds of public health professionals working 24/7 in support

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now has more than 50 disease detectives and other highly trained experts battling Ebola on the ground in West Africa – successfully deploying in less than two weeks the surge of help it promised within 30 days.

CDC’s Emergency Operations Center is also at its highest level of alert.  This means more than 350 CDC U.S. staff are working on logistics, communications, analytics, management, and other support functions to support the response 24/7.

“We are fulfilling our promise to the people of West Africa, Americans, and the world, that CDC would quickly ramp up its efforts to help bring the worst Ebola outbreak in history under control,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H.  “We know how to stop Ebola.  It won’t be easy or fast, but working together with our U.S. and international partners and country leadership, together we are doing it.”

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U.S. Orders Departure of Eligible Family Members from Sierra Leone

Department of State SealPress Statement

Marie Harf
Deputy Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 14, 2014
At the recommendation of the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone, the State Department today ordered the departure from Freetown of all eligible family members (EFMs) not employed by post. The Embassy recommended this step out of an abundance of caution, following the determination by the Department’s Medical Office that there is a lack of options for routine health care services at major medical facilities due to the Ebola outbreak.

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U.S. Health Officials to Consider Use of Unapproved Ebola Meds - By David Morgan and Sharon Begley - August 7, 2014

(Reuters) - The Obama administration is forming a special Ebola working group to consider setting policy for the potential use of experimental drugs to help the hundreds infected by the deadly disease in West Africa, U.S. officials said on Thursday.

The group is being formed under Dr. Nicole Lurie, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the Department of Health and Human Services, an administration official said.

The action follows mounting international pressure as the death toll mounts to consider using untested treatments.


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