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Resources - Affordable Care Act

submitted by Chloe Pearson


Archived July 1, 2010 -

Affordable Care Act: Obamacare & Health Reform Facts:

Understanding the Impact of Obamacare on Medicare:

What does Marketplace health insurance cover?

Affordable Care Act: State-by-State Impact:

The Lifestyle Revolutionaries Guide to Addiction Intervention (18 page .PDF file):

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How Our Food Has Become a Dangerous Addiction

Picture of a hamburger. Photo Credit: Jacek ChabraszewskiPhoto: Picture of a hamburger. Photo Credit: Jacek Chabraszewski - Anthony Winson - December 2nd, 2013

In many of the food environments we encounter on a day-to-day basis, it is becoming difficult to find whole foods in anything like their natural form.

Healthy nuts are rendered unhealthy by prodigious amounts of added salt and sweet "honey" glazes.

Yoghurt is laced with copious amounts of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup sweetener, typically the equivalent of seven teaspoons of sugar in a small serving size.


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National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI)

submitted by Deirdre Darragh

The NHSPI™ examines the health security preparedness of the nation by looking collectively at the health security preparedness of states. The Index results are updated annually.

The NHSPI™ applies the National Health Security Strategy definition of national health security: the state in which the Nation and its people are prepared for, protected from, and resilient in the face of health threats or incidents with potentially negative health consequences.


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The Most Efficient Health Care Systems In The World

Huffington Post - Kavitha A. Davidson - August 29, 2013

As supporters and opponents of the Affordable Care Act debate the best way to overhaul a clearly broken health care system, it's perhaps helpful to put American medicine in a global perspective.

The infographic below is based on a recent Bloomberg ranking of the most efficient countries for health care, and highlights enormous gap between the soaring cost of treatment in the U.S. and its quality and effectiveness.

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Gut Bacteria May Exacerbate Depression

Scientific American, October 23,2013

The digestive tract and the brain are crucially linked, according to mounting evidence showing that diet and gut bacteria are able to influence our behavior, thoughts and mood. Now researchers have found evidence of bacterial translocation, or “leaky gut,” among people with depression.

Normally the digestive system is surrounded by an impermeable wall of cells. Certain behaviors and medical conditions can compromise this wall, allowing toxic substances and bacteria to enter the bloodstream... 


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9 Ways The Government Shutdown Could Affect Your Health

    - October 1, 2013

The government shutdown is underway, as a dispute about President Obama's Affordable Care Act led to a partisan stalemate over a funding bill. The ACA will go forward, with health exchanges opening today, but that doesn't mean the shutdown won't have an impact on the health of Americans.

Here are nine ways the shutdown could affect your health, a reminder of just how crucial government resources can be in protecting and improving our health and well-being.


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Tackling Antibiotic Resistance for Greater Global Health Security - Gemma L. Buckland Merrett, October 2013


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Extension of the Haiti Cholera Disaster to Mexico

Operational Biosurveillance - - October 1, 2013

Mexico is reporting upwards of 44 cases of cholera now with one fatality involving Hidalgo State and Mexico City.  The appearance of cholera in Mexico City is deeply concerning from the standpoint of the "tip of the iceberg": we only know of the recognized cases.  There are likely others out there.


A couple of points about this:

1. Totally expected to see expansion of the Nepalese cholera from Haiti to the DR, to Cuba, and now to Mexico. It is likely to include many other countries in that region before all is said and done.

2. It is likely to spread in Mexico in 'fits and starts' due to lack of indigenous immunity and will cause disruption.

3. It will likely spread along trade and migrant labor routes to the US and other countries doing business with Mexico.

4. Communities in the US may be caught unawareness due to basic expectation of border communities in Texas serving as "canaries in a coal mine" for the rest of the country. We propose the migrant labor routes penetrate deep into the US and far from these border communities.

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Smartphone attachment detects viruses and bacteria - The Engineer - September 18, 2013

Researchers at UCLA have developed a portable smartphone attachment that can be used to perform field testing to detect viruses and bacteria.

This cellphone-based imaging platform could be used for specific and sensitive detection of sub-wavelength objects, including bacteria and viruses and therefore could enable the practice of nanotechnology and biomedical testing in field settings and even in remote and resource-limited environments,’ Aydogan Ozcan, professor of electrical engineering and bioengineering at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, said in a statement.

Using this device, which attaches directly to the camera module on a smartphone, Ozcan’s team was able to detect single human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) particles.

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CDC Sets Threat Levels for Drug-Resistant Superbugs


CDC - - by Miriam Falco - September 17, 2013

(CNN) -- Health officials have been warning us about antibiotic overuse and drug-resistant "superbugs" for a long time. But today the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sounding the alarm in a new way.

For the first time, the CDC is categorizing drug-resistant superbugs by threat level.


Press Release - Centers for Disease Control - Untreatable: Today’s Drug-Resistant Health Threats

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