Clean drinking water is even more precious to Americans than clean air. Nestle Waters North America
CLICK HERE - Perspectives on America’s Water - June 2017 (38 page .PDF file)
forbes.com - by James Conca - June 29, 2017
Americans want to drink clean water even more than they want to breathe clean air. A new public survey and study was conducted in May by Nestlé Waters North America on 4,756 American adults across the lower 48 states.
The ‘Perspectives on America’s Water’ Study, released yesterday at the annual Aspen Ideas Festival on innovative solutions in Colorado, asked the respondents to share their views on water-related topics . . .
The overall take-away from the survey is that:
- clean drinking water is more important than clean air to Americans
- two out of three Americans believe their community is vulnerable to a water crisis
- a majority of the public believes significant, immediate investments in water infrastructure are needed to avoid future water crises
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