Situation Report

UTHealth Finds Unprecedented Psychological Distress Months After Harvey

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Health and Recovery in the New Year: A County-Wide Snapshot, Institute for Health Policy, UTHealth School of Public Health, 2018 - (23 page .PDF document)

More than half of Harris County residents are still struggling - by Hannah Rhodes - April 4, 2018

HOUSTON – Four months after Hurricane Harvey soaked the Houston area and displaced more than a third of the population, an alarming 52 percent of Harris County residents said they were still struggling to recover, according to a new report from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health.

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West Antarctic Ice Melt Poses Unique Threat to U.S.


Sea level rise contributions from ice melt in different areas, including Greenland (a), West Antarctica (b), East Antarctica (c) and median of global glaciers (d). Values are ratios of regional sea level change to global mean sea level change. Adapted from Kopp et al. 2015. - by Andrew Freedman - June 14, 2018

News of Antarctica's accelerating ice melt garnered worldwide headlines yesterday, as scientists revealed that 3 trillion tons of ice has been lost to the sea since 1992 — mostly from the thawing West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Antarctic Peninsula.

Why it matters: The location of the ice melt is important for determining the future of coastal communities, according to climate scientists. And, due to West Antarctica melting, it turns out that the U.S. coastline will be hit extra hard . . .


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San Antonio, Texas - CPS Energy Wants Your Input On Their Flexible Path Plan - by Jeremy Baker - June 13, 2018

CPS Energy is holding a public input session Wednesday evening about what they are calling their Flexible Path program, and a look into the future of energy in the Alamo City.

"We currently are going to put a plan together with the involvement of the community, to help reduce the amount of fossil fuels that we have in our generation mix and move more toward renewable energy and more innovative technology," CPS Energy spokesperson John Moreno said.


CLICK HERE - CPS - Our Flexible Path

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U.S. Disaster-Response Force Stretched Thin as Hurricane Season Starts

    - by Andy Sullivan - June 13, 2018

With the 2018 hurricane season already underway, FEMA is scrambling to hire more people who are willing to depart at a moment’s notice for assignments that can last months at a stretch.

Internal documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show the agency's disaster-response force is understaffed by 26 percent. And as last year revealed, many of those who sign up don't always respond when needed.

The extraordinary string of domestic disasters in 2017 continues to weigh on the U.S. agency. With thousands of workers still out in the field, official figures show that 33 percent of FEMA’s disaster-response workforce is available for deployment, down from 56 percent at this time last year.

Some specialties are stretched especially thin: Only 13 percent of the workers who direct federal aid to pay for rebuilding costs after a disaster hits are currently available.



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Antarctic ice loss has tripled in a decade. If that continues, we are in serious trouble.


Scientists warns time is running out to save the Antarctic and its unique ecosystem, with potentially dire consequences for the world. Photograph: Daniel Beltrá/Greenpeace

CLICK HERE - IMBIE - ANALYSIS - Mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2017 - by Chris Mooney - June 13, 2018

Antarctica’s ice sheet is melting at a rapidly increasing rate, now pouring more than 200 billion tons of ice into the ocean annually and raising sea levels a half-millimeter every year, a team of 80 scientists reported Wednesday.

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Ticks on Migratory Birds Found to Carry Newly Discovered Hemorrhagic Fever Virus


Credit: Tove Hoffman

CLICK HERE - STUDY - CDC - EID - Alkhurma Hemorrhagic Fever Virus RNA in Hyalomma rufipes Ticks Infesting Migratory Birds, Europe and Asia Minor - Press Release - June 1, 2018

In a new study, researchers at Uppsala University and other institutions have identified genetic material from the recently identified Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus in the tick species Hyalomma rufipes. The discovery was made after thousands of ticks were collected from migratory birds captured in the Mediterranean basin. The results indicate that birds could contribute to spreading the virus to new geographical areas.



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'More than a mental health concern': Nationwide increase in suicides prompts new questions


CLICK HERE - CDC - Suicide rising across the US - by Leandra Bernstein - June 8, 2018

The deaths of fashion designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef and author Anthony Bourdain put a spotlight on suicide in a week when new official statistics showing the rate of suicides in the United States is increasing were released.

Behind the deaths of two cultural figures is the fact that more than 120 Americans commits suicide every day, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . . . 

. . . Across the entire country, the suicide rate increased by 25 percent from 1999 through 2016.




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Nipah Virus, Rare and Dangerous, Spreads in India


Burying a victim of the Nipah virus in Kozhikode, southern India. There is no vaccine and no cure for the disease.  Credit K.Shijith/Associated Press

The infection, an emerging threat, has killed virtually all of its victims so far in India. - by Emily Baumgaertner - June 4, 2018

A rare, brain-damaging virus that experts consider a possible epidemic threat has broken out in the state of Kerala, India, for the first time, infecting at least 18 people and killing 17 of them, according to the World Health Organization.

The Nipah virus naturally resides in fruit bats across South and Southeast Asia, and can spread to humans through contact with the animals’ bodily fluids. There is no vaccine and no cure.


CLICK HERE - EcoHealth Alliance - Analysis: EcoHealth Alliance’s FLIRT Program Identifies Areas at Risk of Further Nipah Virus Spread

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Hurricanes Are Lingering Longer. That Makes Them More Dangerous.


Hurricane Harvey over the Gulf of Mexico in August 2017. The storm stalled over Texas and dropped nearly 50 inches of rain in some places.  Credit NOAA/NASA GOES Project

CLICK HERE - STUDY - A global slowdown of tropical-cyclone translation speed

A new study shows that storms are staying in one place longer, much like Hurricane Harvey did last year. - by Kendra Pierre-Louis - June 6, 2018

 . . . A study published Wednesday in the journal Nature focuses on what is known as translation speed, which measures how quickly a storm is moving over an area, say, from Miami to the Florida Panhandle. Between 1949 and 2016, tropical cyclone translation speeds declined 10 percent worldwide, the study says. The storms, in effect, are sticking around places for a longer period of time.


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