Situation Report

Zika Cases 2015/2016 United States, Territories, Canada

Map of imported and locally acquired Zika virus in United States, territories, and Canada.

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Zika - Information, FAQs and Research

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An expanding list of information resources on Zika virus . . .

CDC - Zika Virus - Case Counts in the US

CDC - Zika Virus - Timeline of "What's New"

CDC Newsroom Releases

Texas - Kerrville Public Utility Board - KPUB to Consider 4 Potential Hosts for Solar Power
 - by John Sniffen - March 19, 2018

Four partners are working with the Kerrville Public Utility Board on developing community solar power generating systems.

During their regular monthly meeting Wednesday morning, KPUB directors will consider authorizing agreements with Mo-Ranch, the Texas Lions Camp, Schreiner University and the City of Kerrville for systems to be installed on their properties . . .

 . . . The community solar effort is the result of KPUB being selected by the Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative to participate in a $5 million prize competition aimed at expanding solar electricity access . . . 

 . . . The systems will provide power to the hosting nonprofits, and to low- to moderate-income homes. It will also help reduce summertime peak demands and associated costs.



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For Puerto Rico, the Return to Business as Usual is Slow


In Humacao, a city on the eastern coast just north of where Hurricane Maria’s eye passed, power poles and lines still litter the ground in some areas. PHOTO: ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

Six months after Hurricane Maria, as many as 7,000 of the island’s small businesses remain closed - by Arian Campo-Flores - March 19, 2018

 . . . Though economic activity in Puerto Rico has picked up in recent months, businesses large and small are struggling. Electricity woes continue to plague the island, where 91% of power generation has been restored but the grid is prone to sudden outages. Insurance money has arrived slowly, with $1.7 billion paid in residential and business claims as of Jan. 31—about 40% of the expected total, according to the island’s Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.

And the market is shrinking as a result of an accelerating exodus of Puerto Ricans fleeing conditions on the island.




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Beware 'Disease X': The Mystery Killer Keeping Scientists Awake at Night

CLICK HERE - WHO - R&D Blueprint - List of Blueprint priority diseases - by Alanna Shaikh - March 10, 2018

Over two days in early February, the World Health Organisation (WHO) convened an expert committee at its Geneva headquarters to consider the unthinkable.

The goal was to identify pathogens with the potential to spread and kill millions but for which there are currently no, or insufficient, countermeasures available . . . 

 . . . In addition to eight frightening but familiar diseases including Ebola, Zika, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the list included a ninth global threat: Disease X.


ALSO SEE RELATED ARTICLE HERE - Mysterious 'Disease X' Could Be The Next Deadly Global Epidemic, WHO Warns


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Crowded Shelters and the Vicious Flu Brew Perfect Storm for the Homeless


Members of the D.C. homeless community have constructed an encampment in front of the Central Union Mission. These crowded spaces can become breeding grounds for diseases such as the flu. (Carmen Heredia Rodriguez/KHN/Carmen Heredia Rodriguez/KHN) - by Carmen Heredia Rodriguez - March 3, 2018

 . . . For the healthy, the flu represents a serious health concern. But for the homeless — who deal with higher rates of chronic illness, fewer resources and crowded conditions in shelters — catching the flu can be a matter of life or death.



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Stopping Pandemic X: DARPA Names Researchers Working to Halt Outbreaks

    - February 22, 2018

CLICK HERE - DARPA - Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3)

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched the Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program in 2017, with the eventual goal of halting the spread of any infectious disease outbreak before it can escalate into a pandemic . . . 

 . . . In contrast with state-of-the-art medical countermeasures, which typically take many months or even years to develop, produce, distribute, and administer, the envisioned P3 platform would cut response time to weeks and stay within the window of relevance for containing an outbreak.



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Chinese Scientists Find How Bats Carry Viruses Without Getting Sick - Editor: Liu - February 23, 2018

CLICK HERE - Dampened STING-Dependent Interferon Activation in Bats

WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have identified the secret of bats that harbor highly pathogenic viruses like Ebola, Marburg and SARS coronavirus but do not show clinical signs of disease.

In a paper published on Thursday in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China find that in bats, an antiviral immune pathway called the STING-interferon pathway is dampened, so bats can maintain just enough defense against illness without triggering a heightened immune reaction.



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BRIEF: The Virome Project Aims to Prepare Before the Next Pandemic


Ebola virus budding from surface of cells, from a scanning electron micrograph.  Image credits: NIAID

CLICK HERE - The Global Virome Project - by Benjamin Plackett - February 22, 2018

 . . . In an article published in Science magazine today, Daszak and a group of like-minded scientists described a new initiative, called the Virome project, that would identify and catalogue hundreds of thousands of yet-to-be-discovered viruses found in wild animals.

The team estimates that there are about 1.6 million undiscovered virus types and that somewhere between 631,000-827,000 could potentially spill over into humans. The viruses are found mostly in wild mammals.



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