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Mali records new Ebola case, linked to dead nurse

REUTERS                                                                                                                        Nov. 22, 2014

BAMAKO -- Mali has recorded a new case of Ebola in the capital Bamako after the friend of a nurse who died of the hemorrhagic fever earlier this month tested positive for the disease, health and medical officials said on Saturday.

The nurse contracted the disease after treating an imam from neighboring Guinea, who died after being incorrectly diagnosed with kidney problems. This allowed Ebola to spread to five other people in the West African nation's second outbreak.

"Of two suspected cases tested, one was negative and the other positive. The latter was placed in an isolation center for intensive treatment," a statement from the health ministry said, adding that another 310 contact cases were being monitored.

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Ebola crisis now 'stable' in Guinea, WHO says

BBC                                                                                                                          Nov. 22, 2014

The Ebola outbreak is now "relatively stable" in Guinea, where the latest crisis began, the World Health Organization says.

There were still some flare ups in the south-east, but things were improving in other prefectures, WHO co-ordinator Dr Guenael Rodier told the BBC....

Ebola patients are taken to dedicated treatment centres across Guinea

"When you look in more detail, you see that it's still quite active in the Guinea forest area [in] the south of the country," Dr Rodier said.

However, he added that the situation was "actually improving in a number of prefectures, especially Conakry", where there was a fairly good understanding of how the disease was spreading.

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First British volunteers fly to Sierra Leone to battle Ebola

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS                                Nov. 22, 2014

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone -- The first wave of volunteers from Britain's National Health Service arrived in Sierra Leone Saturday amid what the World Health Organization has described as an "intense" surge in cases.

A sign reading 'Kill Ebola Before Ebola Kill You', on a gate is mounted as part of the country's Ebola awareness campaign in the city of Freetown, Sierra Leone, Sept. 14, 2014. (AP / Michael Duff, File)

More than 30 NHS staffers, including general practitioners and nurses, were expected to stay in Freetown, the capital, for one week of training before moving to treatment centres across the country, Britain's Department for International Development said in a statement.

They join nearly 1,000 British soldiers, scientists and aid workers already in the country participating in the Ebola fight, International Development Secretary Justine Greening said.

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Officials Revise Goals on Containing Ebola After Signs of Wider Exposure in Mali

NEW YORK TIMES                                     Nov. 21, 2014
By and

The leaders of the United Nations and the World Health Organization expressed renewed alarm on Friday about Ebola’s tenacity in Africa and, in particular, its potential to ravage a fourth country, Mali, where they said hundreds of people had been exposed to an infected cleric who died last month.

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British-built Ebola hospital in Sierra Leone only partly operational

THE GUARDIAN                                                                                                                         Nov. 21, 2014
By Lisa O'Carroll

The Ebola hospital built by the British army which opened two weeks ago in the capital of Sierra Leone will not be fully operational until January, it has emerged.

The facility was the first of six hospitals announced by the Department of International Development two months ago as part of Britain’s £250m assistance in the fight against Ebola in the country....


Equipment wrapped in plastic inside the Kerry Town Ebola Treatment Centre in Sierra Leone before it opened. Photograph: Louis Leeson/Save the Children

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Ebola Deaths Near 5,500 As Virus Still Rages

WALL STREET JOURNAL                                                                                               Nov. 21, 2014

By Andrew Morse

ZURICH—Nearly 5,500 people have died from Ebola, the World Health Organization said Friday, adding that the rate of transmission remains intense in the three West African countries at the center of the epidemic.

Medical staff members of the Croix Rouge NGO put on protective suits before collecting the corpse of a victim of Ebola, in Monrovia, Liberia. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

In an update, the United Nations health agency said 15,351 confirmed, suspected or probable cases of Ebola had been reported in eight countries that have been affected by the disease. Most of the cases were concentrated in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

A total of 5,459 people have died of Ebola since the outbreak began, the WHO said. On Wednesday, the WHO reported 15,145 cases and 5,420 deaths.

Ebola’s true overall toll is difficult to gauge because some hard-hit villages are remote and urban centers have showed resistance toward clinics....

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WHO Declares End to Ebola Outbreak in DRC

VOICE OF AMERICA                                                                                                       Nov. 21, 2014

The World Health Organization has declared an end to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The outbreak -- unrelated to the one affecting West Africa -- was centered in Congo's northwestern Equateur province and killed at least 49 people.  Nurses from Uganda’s Ministry of Health check passengers arriving from Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa at Entebbe Airport Kampala Uganda, Friday, Aug. 8, 2014.

The WHO released a statement Friday saying it has been 42 days, or twice the maximum incubation period, since a new case of Ebola has been detected in the DRC.

The WHO declaration confirms a statement by the DRC government last week that the outbreak there is over.

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Ebola Spread Has Slowed in Liberia, C.D.C. Says

NEW YORK TIMES                                                                                                         Nov. 21, 2014

By Helene Cooper

...Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the C.D.C. director,  says “there is no longer exponential increase, and in fact, there’s been a decrease” in the rate of Ebola infections in Liberia...

A security guard in West Point, a densely populated neighborhood of Monrovia, the Liberian capital, in September. Credit Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times

His comments to reporters came a day after the Pentagon said it was scaling back the size and number of Ebola treatment facilities that American troops are building in Liberia. Defense officials said that instead of building 17 units, as promised by President Obama, the military would build 10 treatment facilities, and that seven of them would have 50 beds each, rather than the 100 beds previously planned.

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Ebola Crisis Deepens in Mali

ASSOCIATED PRESS                                                                                                   Nov. 20, 2014

By Baba Ahmed                          

BAMAKO, Mali  — Mali's emerging Ebola crisis deepened Thursday as the government announced that a doctor had died from the disease, becoming the second health worker fatality linked to a single patient initially thought to have kidney disease.

Health care workers at a screening center for the Ebola virus on Monday await patients at the border village of Kouremale, Mali, between Mali and Guinea.

At least five people now have died from Ebola after coming into contact with a 70-year-old grand imam, who was brought to the Malian capital of Bamako from Guinea, the bordering country where the regional Ebola epidemic first began.

The death of a 25-year-old male nurse at Clinique Pasteur who treated the imam first prompted health authorities to review past patients. ...Malian authorities are now following more than 300 people, including those who helped prepare the imam's body for burial after he succumbed to the disease.

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