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2014 Ebola virus cases in the United States: from Wikipedia

Wikipedia listing and background on Ebola cases in the United States    Oct. 5, 2014

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Man taken off flight from Belgium does not have Ebola

Phildalphie Inquirer    Last updated: Sunday, October 5, 2014, 7:33 AM

By Erin Arvedund 

Philadelphia --The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Saturday night that the sick passenger taken from United Flight 998 at Newark Liberty International Airport to be tested for Ebola did not have the virus in his system.

After The Boeing 777, which had arrived from Brussels, Belgium, with 253 passengers and 14 crew members, CDC officials in hazmat suits and officers from the Port Authority Police Department boarded the plane, said department spokeswoman Erica Dumas.

... the sick passenger - who had been vomiting - was taken to Newark's University Hospital to be checked out.

Several hours later, the CDC announced that the patient had been evaluated "in coordination with federal, state, and local public health officials" and the tests indicated he was not infected with the Ebola virus, said CDC spokeswoman Sharon Hoskins.

In fact, he had a "minor treatable condition unrelated to Ebola," the New Jersey Department of Health said. The nature of that condition was not disclosed.

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OUT OF CONTROL: How the world’s health organizations failed to stop the Ebola Disaster

WASHINGTON POST's  detailed front page account of how the Ebola epidemic got out of control in West Africa.  Oct. 5, 2014

     by Lena Sun, Bradly Dennis, Lenny Bernstein and Joel Achenbach

The glow from a crematorium lights the sky as the bodies of people who died from Ebola are cremated last month in Monrovia


.... "The virus easily outran the plodding response. The WHO, an arm of the United Nations, is responsible for coordinating international action in a crisis like this, but it has suffered budget cuts, has lost many of its brightest minds and was slow to sound a global alarm on Ebola. Not until Aug. 8, 4 1 ⁄ 2 months into the epidemic, did the organization declare a global emergency. Its Africa office, which oversees the region, initially did not welcome a robust role by the CDC in the response to the outbreak.

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Why We Won't Have An Ebola Cure Or Vaccine For Years

UPDATE with comments from interviw with CDC Director Tom Frieden.   Scroll below. - October 2nd, 2014 - Jeffery Young

The world has known about Ebola for almost 40 years, yet there's no cure or vaccine on the market.

That could change amid worldwide attention to the ongoing outbreak of the virus in West Africa, which has claimed more than 3,000 lives already, and the first diagnosis of a patient with the disease in the United States. But not for a few more years -- at least.



Update: Comments by CDC Director on Sunday TV interview

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Are Hospitals Prepared for Ebola? - October 1, 2014

CNN's Jake Tapper speaks to Gavin Macgregor-Skinner and Jeffery Stern. With the first Ebola diagnosis in the U.S., is the country prepared to handle a potential outbreak?

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Texas Ebola Watch Eyes 50 People, 10 at 'High Risk'

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Ebola Victim's Air Journey shows weak spots in screening.

NEW YORK TIMES              October 3, 2014

MONROVIA, Liberia — The arrival in the United States of a Liberian man infected with the Ebola virus shows how difficult it is to control or restrict the disease from spreading, and how porous current procedures are in a world of globalized air travel.

Liberian officials said on Thursday that they planned to prosecute the passenger, Thomas E. Duncan, for lying on an airport questionnaire about not having contact with a person infected with Ebola before his travel — a pivotal part of the country’s screening process.

Mr. Duncan took three planes as he flew from Monrovia, the Liberian capital, to Dallas last month, connecting in Brussels and Washington.

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Dallas Hospital says software flaw led to initial release of Ebola patent

Update with additional information and text of the hospital statement  (scroll down).


5 NBC News Chicago

 Oct 3, 2014 • Updated at 7:53 AM CDT

The Dallas Hospital that sent Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan home said a software flaw, and not human error, caused doctors to miss the diagnosis, NBC News is reporting.

The electronic health records (EHR) system that the hospital uses has a separate workflow for physicians and nurses. The travel history of the patient was located in the nursing portion of the workflow within the EHR, but not in the physician's workflow.

“As result of this discovery, Texas Health Dallas has relocated the travel history documentation to a portion of the EHR that is part of both workflows," the hospital said.

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NBC Cameraman stricken with Ebola in Liberia, being flown home

      NBC NEWS            October 2, 2014

An American freelance cameraman working for NBC News in Liberia has tested positive for Ebola and will be flown back to the United States for treatment.


The freelancer came down with symptoms on Wednesday, feeling tired and achy. As part of a routine temperature check, he discovered he was running a slight fever. He immediately quarantined himself and sought medical advice. On Thursday morning, the 33 year-old American went to a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) treatment center to be tested for the virus. The positive result came back just under 12 hours later.

The cameraman, who also is a writer, is the fourth American to have contracted Ebola in Liberia. He has been working in Liberia on various projects for the past three years. NBC News is withholding the cameraman’s name at the request of his family.

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Man in U.S. With Ebola Had Been Screened to Fly, but System Is Spotty

NEW YORK TIMES   Oct. 2, 2014

By Matthew J. Wald and Jad Mouawad

As he was preparing to leave Liberia for Dallas two weeks ago, Thomas E. Duncan, the man confirmed to be the first Ebola case in the United States, was checked at the airport for signs of the disease. He was determined to have no fever and allowed to board his flight, American officials say. 

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