Agile Logistics

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The Agile Logistics working group will study progress being made to provide products and services to populations at risk.

The mission of the Agile Logistics working group is to focus on the progress being made in agile logistics to provide products and services to populations at risk as a result of events of mass consequence.


Craig Vanderwagen Dana Martin drvroeg efrost Eric Kutner George Bressler
Jeff Kutner Kathy Gilbeaux Katie Rast Laurie Van Leuven mdmcdonald Michael Gresalfi

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New York's Looming Food Disaster


Julio and Belinda Ramos, who were hit with a power outage, hold their eight-year-old son Charles as they stand in line to pick up food supplies at a grocery store after Hurricane Sandy in 2012. (Adrees Latif/Reuters) - by Siddhartha Mahanta - October 21, 2013

In New York City, locating a bite to eat is rarely a difficult task. The city is a food paradise or, depending on your mood, a place of overwhelming glut.

But when Superstorm Sandy pummeled New York last fall, it revealed the terrifying potential for sudden food shortages.


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Florida County Taps Faith-Based Community for Preparedness

Illustration by Tom McKeith

submitted by Samuel Bendett - by Lauren Katims - March 11, 2013

Miami-Dade County, Fla., emergency management officials have been praised for their effective preparedness and recovery in a hurricane-and flood-prone area. Now the county is serving as the pilot for a federal program to better engage members of the community who haven’t been as easy to reach.

Communities Organized to Respond in Emergencies (CORE), a program launched by the Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, is designed to better engage faith-based and community organizations in planning for, responding to and recovering from disasters.


Transparency in Supply Chains: A Convergence of Possibilities - Kriss - February 4, 2013

Where do the products we buy come from and how do we know that their production doesn’t leave a wake of environmental damage or exploited workers? Even brands we think we trust are often linked to suppliers with questionable or downright abusive practices, as exemplified in the November factory fire in Bangladesh, where 112 workers were killed at a factory that supplied Walmart, Sears and even the U.S. Marine Corps, though all claim they had no idea that apparel produced there was destined for their stores.

Global supply chains are complex and opaque, with many layers of suppliers, distant and inconsistent regulatory environments, and intermittent and sometimes unreliable audits and reporting.


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Tempers Flare as Food Runs Short in Hoboken, N.J.

Members of the Army National Guard Unit Gulf 250 from Morristown, NJ evacuate a victim from Hurricane Sandy on October 31, 2012 in Hoboken, New Jersey. (Getty)

Image: Members of the Army National Guard Unit Gulf 250 from Morristown, NJ evacuate a victim from Hurricane Sandy on October 31, 2012 in Hoboken, New Jersey. (Getty) - October 31st, 2012

National Guard troops delivered food and water to residents in this heavily flooded city across from Manhattan on Wednesday as officials sent out a plea for more supplies, including boats and generators.

Superstorm Sandy sent the raging Hudson River waters from one side of the one-square-mile city to the other Monday. Two days later, at least 25 percent of the community was flooded and 90 percent was without power, leaving many residents increasingly anxious and municipal leaders struggling to get assistance to all those who need it.


Guard delivers food, water to flooded NJ city

The twisted remains of a Hudson River marina are seen across from New York City as a result of superstorm Sandy on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 in Hoboken, NJ. (AP Photo/Charles Sykes)

Image: The twisted remains of a Hudson River marina are seen across from New York City as a result of superstorm Sandy on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 in Hoboken, NJ. (AP Photo/Charles Sykes) - October 30th, 2012 - Samantha Henry

National Guard troops delivered food and water to residents in this heavily flooded city across from Manhattan on Wednesday as officials sent out a plea for more supplies, including boats and generators.

Superstorm Sandy sent the raging Hudson River waters from one side of the one-square-mile city to the other Monday. Two days later, at least 25 percent of the community was flooded and 90 percent was without power, leaving many residents increasingly anxious and municipal leaders struggling to get assistance to all those who need it.

Tempers flared Wednesday at a staging area outside City Hall, where a man screamed at emergency officials about why food and water had not been delivered to residents just a few blocks away.

National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security

submitted by Luis Kun - Release Date: January 25, 2012

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

DAVOS, Switzerland—Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today unveiled the Obama administrations National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The Department of Homeland Security is committed to facilitating legitimate trade and travel, while preventing terrorists from exploiting supply chains, protecting transportation systems from attacks and disruptions, and increasing the resilience of global supply chains.

We must continue to strengthen global supply chains to ensure that they operate effectively in time of crisis; recover quickly from disruptions; and facilitate international trade and travel, said Secretary Napolitano. As a part of this effort, we look forward to working closely with our international partners in the public and private sector to build a more resilient global supply chain.

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Airboats Being Sent to Assist in Thailand Flood Recovery

The Orange Leader - November 5, 2011


Several airboats are prepped and ready to be air-transported to Thailand to help in that country’s flood recovery efforts. Ten airboats, all made in Orange by American Airboats, are being shipped out and more could be ready to go soon.  Tommy Mann Jr.

ORANGE — A local business is flexing its international muscle once again.

American Airboats Inc. of Orange was a beehive of activity on Thursday as crews prepared 10 airboats for shipment to Thailand to assist in that country’s rescue efforts due to recent flooding.

Tractor trailers lined the road’s edge and parking lot waiting to be loaded Thursday afternoon as work crews partially dis-assembled the boat carriages to better accommodate air transport.

Faron Floyd, vice-president of American Airboats, recently met with top Thailand officials and demonstrated the Air Ranger, the signature airboat of American Airboat Corporation. Upon seeing how maneuverable and beneficial these watercraft could be, government officials quickly placed an order.

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Video - BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience (Narrated by Tom Hanks)

While the towers burned and collapsed on 9/11, a half million people were evacuated from Lower Manhattan by a civilian flotilla of ferries, tug boats and other vessels—the largest boatlift in history. Narrated by Tom Hanks, Produced and Directed by Eddie Rosenstein

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