Community Health Resilience

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The Community Health Resilience Collaboratory is focused on exploring the advancement of community health resilience.

The mission of the Community Health Resilience Collaboratory is to advance community health resilience.


Elhadj Drame Ginagug2017 Kathy Gilbeaux mdmcdonald Tjivekumba Kandjii

Email address for group

White House Honors Champions of Change in Emergency Preparedness

Posted in by: Richard Serino, Deputy Administrator

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Technological Healing

by Sharon Begley - - January/February 2012


More data: Technologies aimed at improving our health are proliferating. One example is this device that plugs into an iPhone to turn it into a glucose monitor. Credit: Patrik Stollarz/AFP/Getty Images

A leading researcher says digital technologies are about to make health care more effective. But is so much data really beneficial?

Nanosensors patrolling your bloodstream for the first sign of an imminent stroke or heart attack, releasing anticlotting or anti-inflammatory drugs to stop it in its tracks. Cell phones that display your vital signs and take ultrasound images of your heart or abdomen. Genetic scans of malignant cells that match your cancer to the most effective treatment.


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Analysis of Warning Process: Swine-Origin Triple Reassortant Influenza A(H3N2) Virus In USA

by James Wilson, M.D. - Biosurveillance - December 21, 2011

We have been monitoring the situation with swine-origin triple reassortant influenza A(H3N2) virus (S-OtrH3N2) inside the United State for some time now.  Recent reports of likely human-human transmission sparked debate, discussed here in this post.

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RAND - Focus on Community Resilience - Newsletter

imageWelcome to the first Focus on Community Resilience newsletter. At RAND, we have been intensively studying the many cross-cutting issues related to how communities can withstand and recover from disasters and other conditions that affect community well-being. We are launching this newsletter to share research findings, resources, and tools with people like you who are working to help communities prepare for natural and manmade emergencies. We hope this newsletter will stimulate an exchange of ideas among community leaders and a forum to share lessons about resilience-building strategies and activities.

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EPA Says Fracking May Be Polluting Groundwater


CHEYENNE, Wyo. - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday for the first time that fracking — a controversial method of improving the productivity of oil and gas wells — may be to blame for causing groundwater pollution.

The draft finding could have significant implications while states try to determine how to regulate the process. Environmentalists characterized the report as a significant development though it met immediate criticism from the oil and gas industry and a U.S. senator.

The practice is called hydraulic fracturing and involves pumping pressurized water, sand and chemicals underground to open fissures and improve the flow of oil or gas to the surface.

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CDC Confirms Cases of New Swine Flu Virus

by Liz Szabo - USA Today - November 24, 2011


H1N1 strain of the swine flu virus Photograph: Photographer: C. S. Goldsmith an/AP

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed three cases of a new flu virus, which originated in pigs but apparently spread from person to person, in three Iowa children.

However, there's no reason to fear the beginning of a new pandemic, says Arnold Monto, a flu expert and professor at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

"I don't think this is anything to worry about for the moment," Monto says. "We have known that swine viruses get into humans occasionally, transmit for a generation or two and then stop. The issue is whether there will be sustained transmission (from person to person)- and that nearly never happens."


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Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease (2011)

 submitted by Jerome C. Glenn


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Obama To Announce Drug Shortage Resolution

submitted by Luis Kun

Drug Information Association (DIA) - October 31, 2011

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submitted by Jeffrey Stiefel

THRIVE: A Community Approach to Address Health Disparities

Prevention Institute has updated its Community Approach to Addressing Disparities in Health with the revision of THRIVE: Toolkit for Health and Resilience in Vulnerable Environments.  A centerpiece of THRIVE is a set of community level factors that are linked to Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators.  It now features a simplified list of thirteen factors to facilitate use of the tool at the local level.

THRIVE Executive Summary (PDF)

THRIVE Expert Panel

Advancing a Community Resilience Approach to Improve Health Outcomes

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More Arizona parents refusing to vaccinate kids

by Ken Alltucker - Oct. 23, 2011 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic

A small but growing group worries public-health officials:
parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids.

Thousands of Arizona schoolchildren skipped their recommended vaccines during the 2010-11 school year under a "personal beliefs" exemption allowed by state law, Arizona Department of Health Services records show. In kindergarten alone, more than 2,700 Arizona students, or 3.2 percent, skipped vaccines, more than double the exemption rate claimed by parents one decade ago.

These aren't children who lacked access to health care or had a medical reason for not immunizing. Their parents or guardians chose to keep them vaccine-free because of religious or personal beliefs such as fears that the vaccines may do more harm than good.


howdy folks