Resilience Simulation and Exercises

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The Resilience Simulation and Exercises working group is focused on simulations & exercises that enable strategic and operational foresight.

The mission of the Resilience Simulation and Exercises working group is identify, analyze, and develop simulations & exercises that enable strategic and operational foresight in issues of resilience in post-disaster, economic downturn, or socio-ecological degradation scenarios.  These simulations and exercises will provide key insights into shaping policy and improving anticipation, mitigation, preparedness, response, relief, and recovery under significant emerging challenges. 


Annie McCleary Barb Farr Ben Sheppard Craig Vanderwagen drvroeg efrost
Eric Kutner George George Bressler Jeff Kutner Jim Buckley Kathy Gilbeaux
Katie Rast Laurie Van Leuven mdmcdonald Michael Gresalfi mike kraft

Email address for group

Mailhandler - Test - 1

This is a test.

Mailhandler - Test - 1


Simulation Fukushima Reactor 4-like Meltdown in a U.S. Nuclear Power Plant

It has been proposed that there should be a serious game simulation of a Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant reactor 4-like accident in a U.S. power plant to test the U.S. public's preparedness and ability to utilize social media and government risk communication messaging to reduce health and human security concerns around U.S. nuclear plants.  Many U.S. power plants, often close to major U.S. population centers like New York City and Omaha, Nebraska, share Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power vulnerability of storing spent fuel rods on site.  The U.S. has not prepared the American public in projected plume areas for sheltering in place and evacuations that would dramatically reduce their risk in a Fukushima-like accident.  

This week's loss of power during flooding at the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant, near Omaha, Nebraska demonstrates that this problem is not theoretical.  Although power was only cut to the plant for 90 minutes, if the power shortage had continued for over 28 hours or so, a catastrophic meltdown could have threatened Omaha, Nebraska with high-levels of radiation.

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The Institute for Homeland Security Solutions is pleased to announce the publication of its latest research report:


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The next step after Japan? (Virtual reality, training and crisis management)

This may be of some interest to you.

Please forward it to anyone you think might benefit from seeing it.

Best Regards,

Bob Ross

Robert G. Ross
Chief, Risk Sciences Branch

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howdy folks