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Guardian: Snapshots of the Occupy Everywhere Protesters Views


This Guardian photo slideshow depicts how the Occupy Everywhere movement is growing globally. The protesters talk about what is motivating them.  In generzl, they are talking about how their governments have failed to provide the fundamentals of resilience to their generation.  They intend to take these matters into their own hands. 


Occupy protests: Rita Maestre, Madrid

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NPR: "Occupy D.C. Learns To Like The Tea Party"


It has been interesting to see NPR firing staff that go to the Occupy Everywhere demonstrations.  This article depicts Occupy Everywhere as gaining potential benefits from aligning and learning from the Tea Party.


This is most likely not a view embraced by the Occupy Everywhere movement.  That said, the Occupy Everywhere Movement does believe that the people in the Tea Party grassroots that are not "astroturf for the Koch brothers" are a part of the 99%.

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ABC News: "I'm a One Percenter Who's Pre-Occupied with Wall Street"

The Occupy Everywhere movement is growing in its distaste for corporate media.  This ABC news site provides the corporate perspective on Occupy Wall Street.  It features investment portfolio company advertisements and President Obama's speech on his jobs bill.

Would it be fair to say that this site is depicting the problem or viable solutions that the 99% can embrace?  What about 50%, or 30%?

For more information of this story:


If 70% of Americans in the Occupy Everywhere movement are independent, will the President be able to rally them to support political solutions to unemployment and other key issues against a recalcitrant Congress?

Who are depicted as victims, villains, and heroes in this site and why?

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Here Are Occupy Wall Street's Plans For A National Convention That Could Change The Face Of America


(Photo - Daniel Goodman / Business Insider)

Business Insider / Linette Lopez / October 14, 2011

It's in the works. A massive Occupy Wall Street gathering with delegates from all over the country. And if these plans are carried out, Occupy Wall Street will be a major force to be reckoned with on Election Day 2012.

The date? July 4, 2012.

Put aside questions of whether or not the movement will survive that long. Imagine that they do, because they have no doubt.

If only our economy had that kind of confidence.

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The Power of the Strategic 21st Century Librarian - Methods for Engaging the Full Power of Knowledge Science for Resilience

Resiliency Networks - October 20,
In the context of increasing real-time information abundance, librarians face new opportunities to contribute to a more resilient public health by applying long-held skills and values to social media content and intelligent social networks.

Join your colleagues on Thursday, October 20, 2011 from 5:00 to 6:30 (Eastern) for a very informative presentation and a lively discussion that is being cosponsored by DUSLA where Dr. Michael D. McDonald will engage in a discourse as to how the strategically oriented librarian can invest a new dimension of power and responsibility in their professional role by contributing to the management of this new information sharing environment in the prevention and management of large-scale social crises (e.g., disease outbreaks, terrorism, natural disasters, economic and social discontinuities) at the global, national, regional, and local levels.
Attend virtually via webcast or access recording:
Registration - Simulcast Webinar

Simulcast Webinar Link

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Crowdsourcing Democracy Through Social Media

submitted by Tim Siftar

Georgia Tech

ATLANTA – Oct. 11, 2011 – Today the citizens of Liberia will participate in just their second presidential election since the country emerged from a brutal civil war in 2003, and in such an environment the specter of violence or other unrest is never far away. But what if social media, a Georgia Tech professor is asking, could identify and even help prevent dangerous situations from occurring?

When nearly 40 million Nigerians took to the polls last April to elect a new president, many of them went online to share comments about their chosen candidates on blogs, Twitter or other social media platforms. They also used these new media tools to report what they saw. “Listening” to much of it was Georgia Tech Associate Professor Michael Best, which just might have saved a few lives.

During the election, Best provided technical support for a Nigerian group that wanted to use social media as a means for tracking the election process and identifying any problems that cropped up. Best and his team of researchers designed a social media aggregator tool that could pull content from about 20 different sources (including Twitter) and analyze the data in real time using keywords.

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IT and Information Sharing Environments for Community Health Resilience

Information Technology (IT) and Information Sharing Environments (ISEs) are crucial to the evolution of community health resilience.  Most people working to improve community health resilience do not understand the nuances of Information Sharing Environments, and how the rapid shifts in IT, mobile devices, social media, cloud computing, peer to peer parallel processing, smart grids, and the linking of millions of people, mobile devices, computers, and sensors are creating a societal mind, which is transforming community health resilience and the health and human security of Americans.

If you have thoughts on these topics, please comment within this collaboratory thread.

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National Community Health Resilience Workshop

Near Final Version 


2011 Community Health Resilience Workshop AGENDA




8:30-8:50 - Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks

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The Power of the 21st Century Librarian

Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.

It can be argued that libraries have their origins in the swarm behavior of individuals and groups acquiring and sharing cultural artifacts (e.g, pictographs, books) as the fundamental repositories of knowledge within a community and the broader society.  Librarians have played a key role in the founding and differentiation of  America at its origins.  Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, for example, played key roles in deepening and broadening the tradition of knowledge sharing within the early United States. 


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