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Community Resilience: Articles, Reports, Research

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Building Community Disaster Resilience Through Private–Public Collaboration
Published 2011

Free, and online (or downloadable) 126 page book assesses the current state of private-public sector collaboration dedicated to strengthening community resilience, identifies gaps in knowledge and practice, and recommends research that could be targeted for investment. Specifically, the book finds that local-level private-public collaboration is essential to the development of community resilience. Sustainable and effective resilience-focused private-public collaboration is dependent on several basic principles that increase communication among all sectors of the community, incorporate flexibility into collaborative networks, and encourage regular reassessment of collaborative missions, goals, and practices.

Strong Communities are Necessary
Author: John McKnight, Co-Director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute and Director of Community Studies of the Institute of Policy Researh, Northwestern University

There is a new worldwide movement developing, made up of people with a different vision for their local communities. They know that movements are not organizations, institutions or systems. Movements have no CEO, central office, or plan. Instead, they happen when thousands and thousands of people discover together new possibilities for their lives. They have a calling. They are called. And together they call upon themselves.

East Asia and Pacific: Climate Resilient Cities

World Bank Resource
Provides tools to give local governments information to actively engage in training, capacity building, and capital investment programs that are identified as priorities for building sustainable, resilient communities, with particular focus upon reducing the impacts of climate change. Provides city profiles of sound practice, and access to resilience publications.

Community and Regional Resilience Institute (CARRI) Reports
CARRI is a program being lead by the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in conjunction with a variety of other partners. The goal of CARRI is to help develop and then share critical paths that any community or region may take to strengthen its ability to prepare for, respond to, and rapidly recover from significant man-made or natural disasters with minimal downtime to basic community, government and business services. The following reports are available for download directly, or to gain a summary of them first go to the CARRI resilience report page:

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