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The U.S. Resilience System During the Great Transformation Ahead

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The United States has vast natural and human resources per capita, compared to other nations with the most burgeoning populations around the world often with faster growing economies.  Yet, America is in economic decline and energy descent.  There are even greater strategic challenges to the U.S. not being addressed by its expansive, historically world-leading national security and military apparatus that now threaten the health and human security of Americans and their communities of interest globally.

American culture, in recent years, has grown to be more polarized and intolerant.  This growing fractionation can be seen, even at the highest levels of government where the loss of effective collegial respect in the ranks of Congress has spilled over not only into U.S. legislative leaderships’ ability to work together in the best interests of the American people and the future of our nation – but also into a collapse of our public’s trust in American institutions.  A snapshot of this growing fractionation can be seen in the summer 2011 debt ceiling crisis debates, in which  the rancor ran so deep through political channels that our nation’s best interests were sacrificed for strident political factional interests.

Yet, there is a deeper divide in American society that is more troubling.  America is rapidly losing its middle class.  Our poor are now homeless and food insecure in rapidly expanding numbers.  The social fabric and social equity of our nation has never before been so compromised.  As a result, a tiny fraction of American society now controls more wealth than the majority of the rest of Americans combined. 

The surface of this problem can be seen in the marching slogans of the Occupy Wall Street movement, which is rapidly establishing growing occupations, protests, and power everywhere under the banner of “We the 99%.”  A clash is emerging between two different cultural systems which until relatively recently were in dynamic balance, but now threaten to plunge America into bloodshed in the streets during the great transformation ahead.  The United States now requires a solution-oriented U.S. Resilience System to pull ourselves back from this brink.  We now need a National Sustainable Security Infrastructure with new types of interoperable systems and management and governance models that can successfully bridge our government’s massive historical hierarchical command and control systems that have generated and consumed so much wealth in America, and the emerging non-hierarchical, non-controlled complex adaptive systems synergistically composing the U.S. Resilience Systems that promise to better address the health and human security of all Americans, and their communities of interest globally, in the challenging days ahead.

The kernel of this U.S. Resilience System is already germinating and spreading resilient and sustainable solutions throughout America.  However, these resilience solutions emerging at the local, state, and regional levels have to be scaled up, integrated, and made sufficiently robust in complex adaptive systems to serve the needs of all Americans even in the more challenging times ahead.  With a U.S. Resilience System that can converge a unity of effort amongst all Americans and their communities, America can retain viable social ecologies that will be able to sustainably provide healthy food, clean water, and sufficient shelter for all American communities. 

Even under the immense pressure of world populations expanding to 9 billion in the next few decades, America can still continue to generously share its wealth with a world that is now rapidly exceeding the carrying capacity of its ecosystems in many places around the world.   Under the pressure of 7 billion people reproducing and aspiring to achieve the consumption patterns of Americans at unsustainable levels, food, water, energy and economic insecurity will grow and social conflict will inevitably collapse institutions that are no longer viable under changing global, regional, and local pressures.  Under these conditions, America cannot shrink from its responsibilities in an inherently interconnected and interdependent world, but instead must expand its use of integrative power that improves resilience and sustainability in other societies and their communities interconnected with American communities globally.

American consumption patterns are dropping and will continue to drop in the process of improving our health, human security, and quality of life, as the ecological footprint of other societies build societal processes to compete and collaborate with the American way of life.  America’s more intelligent use of social networks, natural and human resources and development of societal equanimity and sustainable social ecologies is at the center of how the U.S. Resilience System and its associated green economies will ensure the health and human security of Americans under the strategic challenges of the great transformation ahead.

Thank you for joining with us in growing the U.S. Resilience Systems in a manner that enables you and your loved ones to improve your own health and human security -- while also enabling you to grow in your integrative power and leadership skills.  Your engage in the U.S. Resilience Systems will help ensure the resilience and sustainability of American communities of interest within a fast growing Global Resilience System serving the best interest of all humanity.  Enjoy the Resilience Systems as our guest, or even better, register and join us in building solutions to address the strategic challenges of the United States, one person, one family, one community, one biome, one state, one nation, one world more sustainable in this time of great transformation.





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