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Consumer masks could soon come with labels saying how well they work

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As millions of Americans adopted mask-wearing this year to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, they confronted a wild west of options, including artisanal products sold on Etsy, cotton coverings sewn by their family members and mass-produced items marketed by favorite retailers.

The personal protective equipment industry is trying to inject some clarity into the mask-purchasing experience by creating a uniform set of standards to show consumers how well the products would protect them and those around them.

But the industry players first have to overcome fierce disagreements among themselves, a rift that has delayed a process that is supposed to help businesses and schools reopen in 2021.

Company executives and scientists have spent months on the painstaking effort, which has been rife with squabbling over how much protection they can and should promise, among other issues. And it’s unclear whether the federal government plans to bless any new standards, potentially scaring companies away from making any significant upgrades.

This has been a nightmare,” said Jeffrey Stull, president of International Personnel Protection, who is organizing the group’s discussions on a volunteer basis. “We really see a whole spectrum. Some individuals say we need a standard, we need to get that standard out, let’s make it a bit more lenient. … And then we have some people who say, ‘No, this has to be absolutely right.’ ” ...


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