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Image: Boston scored highest among 34 citiies in the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's new ranking of municipal energy savings efforts. Photograph by Shobeir Ansari, Flickr/Getty Images - September 17th, 2013 - Patrick J. Kiger
Though legislation to promote energy efficiency remains in a holding pattern in the U.S. Senate, there was a glimmer of good news on American cities' efforts to achieve energy savings on their own.
According to a new ranking by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, many of the nation's cities are instituting a variety of energy-saving measures such as requiring more efficient building designs, building electric vehicle charging stations, and promoting bike sharing. (See related story: "Bike-Share Schemes Shift Into High Gear.")
Boston achieved the highest score overall, with 76.75 out of a possible 100 points on a scorecard devised by ACEEE, on which cities received points for their energy-saving initiatives.
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