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Los Angeles Times - November 27, 2011
As a midnight deadline loomed, more than 1,000 Occupy L.A. protesters and supporters crammed onto the City Hall lawn for what might be their last general assembly -- the nightly meeting of protesters.
A few climbed into trees while others stood or sat on the ground. For more than three hours, protesters stood up to make statements, lead chants and, in at least one case, sing a gospel song.
Some of the business related to the impending eviction: Speakers gave out the phone number for the National Lawyers Guild, which is providing legal support for any protesters arrested in the action, and directed the protesters to reassemble at Our Lady Queen of Angels church on North Main Street if police cleared the encampment at City Hall.
Other issues ranged farther afield. Speakers urged the audience to go vegan, and the assembly passed a resolution supporting the repeal of "corporate personhood."
As midnight approached, protesters chanted, "Now is the time," and "We have the power" as others banged on drums.
FULL COVERAGE: Occupy protests
Todd Darling, a filmmaker from Venice, stood and watched the crowd chant. He said he is energized by the Occupy protests.
"This is a completely historical movement," he said. "We haven't seen anything like this since the '70s."
Police Hold Off on Eviction of Los Angeles Occupy Camp
The Occupy Los Angeles encampment at City Hall Park is seen before the midnight deadline for eviction from City Hall Park passes in Los Angeles, November 27, 2011.
by Mary Slosson - November 28, 2011
(Reuters) - Police in riot gear closed in before dawn on Monday on anti-Wall Street activists in Los Angeles who defied a midnight deadline to vacate a camp outside City Hall, but stopped short of clearing the encampment.
Police managed to reopen blocked streets for morning rush-hour commuters after a tense standoff with protesters who had taken over a downtown intersection, but remnants of a crowd that had swelled to 2,000 overnight remained at City Hall.
Four demonstrators were arrested during the brief confrontation, accused of being present at an unlawful assembly, before police ultimately pulled back from City Hall park.