National Community Health Resilience Workshop

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2011 Community Health Resilience Workshop AGENDA




8:30-8:50 - Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks

Alexander Garza, Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (invited)


George W. Korch Jr., Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (tentative)


8:50-9:10 – Keynote

Brian Kamoie, Senior Director for Preparedness Policy, White House National Security Staff (invited)


9:10-10:00 - Session 1:  Identifying the Broad, Diverse Health Information User Community


This session uses two scenarios to facilitate discussion—a natural disaster scenario with extensive health impacts and a severe disease outbreak to examine the range of community health information “users” from public heath and healthcare professionals to non-health associated users in law enforcement, agriculture, food production and distribution, supply chains, etc.


Scenario 1:  Major Hurricane


Scenario 2:  E. Coli Outbreak. 


Discussion Questions:

  • What organizations need information and for what purposes?
  • Where and how could this information be obtained?
  • How is this information used in decision-making?


Session Facilitators: 

Jeffrey Stiefel, Ph.D., Senior Health Threats Advisor, Office of Health Affairs, DHS

Paula Scalingi, Ph.D. Executive Director, Bay Area Center for Regional Disaster Resilience and President, The Scalingi Group


10:00 -10:20 – Break


10:20-12:10 - Roundtable Discussion:  Snapshot user perspectives followed by interactive discussion on their current health resilience information needs, capabilities, and barriers that can impede information sharing, including security and proprietary data considerations and policy and regulatory issues


Roundtable Moderator

Darrin Donato, Senior Policy Analyst, Division for At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health, and Community Resilience (ABC), ASPR, HHS


·                Local  Government - Dr. Reuben Varghese, Chief of the Public Health Division, Arlington, VA, (invited)

-   Wilma Wooten,  Public Health Director, San Diego County

·                State - (?)


·       Healthcare Providers - Wendell Potter, Senior Analyst, Center for Public Integrity,


·       Private Sector - (Nicolle ________, Target;


·       Federal  -   Joseph Reardon, Deputy Director, Division of Federal-State Relations,

                          Office of Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Food & Drug Administration


-   F. Christy Music, Program Director, Health/Medical Policy and Programs OASD(Homeland Defense & Americas’ Security Affairs), U.S. Department of Defense


·       Non-Profit - Russ Paulsen, Executive Director, Program Management Office,

                                      American Red Cross

12:15 - 1:30 Lunch 


1:15-2:30 – Session 3: Developing a Community Health Resilience Information Framework: 

                    Examples of Current Initiatives and Capabilities that Could Contribute


Panel moderator -

·       HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology  Overview of the evolution of and status of health information exchange initiatives

             Deborah Lafky, (need title)


·       National Center for Bio Preparedness

Tim Stephens, Chair, Strategy and Partnerships, NCBP

Tom McGinn, Office of Health Affairs, U.S. DHS)


·       Hospital-Related Health Information Sharing Capabilities

 Carl Taylor, Assistant Dean at U. of South Alabama (invited)


2:30 – 2:50   Break


2:50 - 3:30   Session 3:  Continuation of Presentations on Current Initiatives and Capabilities


—  MedMap and At-Risk Individuals

Moira Shea, At-Risk Individuals Team Lead, ABC, ASPR, HHS

Tim Jackson, Policy Analyst, ABC, ASPR, HHS


—  PsySTART Triage and Neighbor to Neighbor Initiative

Rob Yin, LISW, Manager, Disaster Mental Health, American Red Cross National Headquarters (tentative)


·       Capabilities for Meeting Resilience Challenges of  Crisis Standards of Care

 Merritt D. Schreiber, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine Director, Psychological Programs Center for Disaster Medical Sciences UC Irvine (invited)


3:30 - 4:00 Session 4:  Interactive Discussion on How Current Information Sharing Mechanisms and Technologies for Community Health Resilience can be Improved



Chris Allen, Co-chair, Medical and Public Health Information Sharing Environment or Doug Rosendale, Veteran’s Administration


4:00 – 4:15 Day 1 Wrap-Up 

Sally Phillips, R.N., Ph.D. Deputy Director, Office of Health Affairs, U.S. DHS.

Nitin Natarajan, Coordinating Director, Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations, ASPR, HHS


4:15 p.m.  Adjourn Day 1



Day 2


9:00 – 9:30 Welcome and Recap of Day 1 Outcomes and Decisions

Sally Phillips, R.N., Ph.D. Deputy Director, Office of Health Affairs, U.S. DHS.


Daniel Dodgen, Ph.D., Director-Division of At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health and Community Resilience, ASPR, HHS (tentative)


9:30 -10:45 - Session 1: Potential Priority Focus Areas for the Community Health Resilience Information Sharing


Interactive discussion building on the outcomes of Day 1 to identify potential elements of a community health resilience information sharing framework



Paula Scalingi, Ph.D. Executive Director, Bay Area Center for Regional Disaster Resilience and President, The Scalingi Group


10:45 -11:10 – Break


11:10 - 12:00 Session 2: Determining a Path Forward


Daniel Dodgen, Ph.D., Daniel Dodgen, Ph.D., Director-Division of At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health and Community Resilience; ASPR, HHS


William Anderson, Director, The Infrastructure Partnership


Jeffrey Stiefel, Ph.D., Senior Health Threats Advisor, Office of Health Affairs, DHS


12:00 p.m. – Adjourn Workshop




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Community Health Resilience Workshop 2011 


Developing a Health Information Sharing and

Situational Awareness Framework


Date:  October 25 and 26, 2011

Location:  4th Floor, 1120 Vermont Ave., N.W., Wash. D.C.

Conference Rooms 1, 2, and 3


We welcome your participation in the Community Health Resilience Workshop 2011: Developing a Health Information Sharing and Situational Awareness Framework.  The workshop will be an open dialogue that identifies information requirements, capabilities, and areas of cooperation among government, the private sector, and non-profit communities that could lead to a nationwide approach. 


Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to:  interact and build relationships with a growing network of health information and community resilience experts and stakeholder organizations; gain greater understanding of current information sharing initiatives; and contribute to the development of an information sharing/situational awareness framework.


The Workshop will be held on October 25 and 26 in Wash., D.C. at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Health Affairs (OHA), 1120 Vermont Ave. N.W., in Conference Rooms 1, 2, and 3.  The event is sponsored by OHA in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, and the HHS Administration for Children and Families.


Participation is open to all interested stakeholders.  However, meeting space is limited. Please RSVP as soon as possible to ensure we can accommodate your attendance.


Workshop Objectives


  1. Identify information that organizations require to better meet the needs of the communities they serve and increase community health resilience.


  1. Foster discussion among representatives of federal agencies, states and localities, private and non-profit stakeholders where community resilience, health information sharing and situational awareness are major priorities. 


  1. Discuss a local-to-national level framework for information sharing to enhance community health resilience to meet stakeholder goals, objectives, and outcomes.  


  1. Identify challenges that can impede information sharing and situational awareness and ways to address them.


5.     Discuss how to develop and maintain a repository of best practices, approaches, tools, and technologies that can be used to build and improve community health resilience information sharing and situational awareness.   



Who Will Be Attending


—  Experts working on significant initiatives focusing on community health resilience information sharing and situational awareness.


—  Federal agency representatives and interested state and local government, private sector and non-profit representatives, including behavioral health and social services organizations that serve “at risk” individuals. 


—  Professionals focusing on disaster preparedness and management, public health, regional and community resilience, and business and operational continuity.




Please register for the Workshop a by October 19, 2011 at


Due to meeting space restrictions, the maximum number of will be 80 participants.  Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis per the procedures that follow. An invitee who wishes to attend must provide his or her name, citizenship and affiliation no later than 5 p.m. EST, Tuesday, October 19, 2011. Persons with disabilities who require special assistance should indicate so in their registration request. Photo identification will be required for entry. 


We look forward to seeing you on October 25th at the Workshop.


For further information, please contact Dr. Jeffry Stiefel at 202-254-6861, email: ***@***.***





howdy folks