Transparency an Issue in Texas Flooding Consequences

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Photo: El Paso Times - (CLICK HERE to view additional photos) - by Spring Sault - May 30, 2016

The existence of a number of aerial photos showing flood-related oil spills on a state-run website was revealed in an El Paso Times story by Marty Schladen last month, followed shortly by state officials ordering the photos removed from the website operated by the University of Texas at Austin.

Until the Times’ story was published, the photos weren’t common knowledge to the public and identified possible environmental damage caused by flooding in oil drilling areas, including fracking sites. . . .

. . . Agreeing with Kramer, the El Paso Times Editorial Board stated, “The decision to remove the photos from public view appears to be an effort to hide visuals that don’t portray the energy business in a flattering light,” noting that making the photos readily available on a state website would be far more transparent. The Times noted that it urges the Texas Department of Public Safety to reconsider the decision to remove the photos and make them more accessible as opposed to relegating citizens of the state to, in effect, jump through hoops to view them.


CLICK HERE - El Paso Times - Flooding sweeps oil, chemicals into rivers - (ALSO SEE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE)

CLICK HERE - Civil Air Patrol volunteers provide aerial support for Mid-American Geospatial Information Center - (SEE ADDITIONAL PHOTOS AT THE BOTOM OF THE PAGE)

CLICK HERE - El Paso Times - State removes oil spill photos from public view


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