The Lower Your Social Class, the ‘Wiser’ You Are, Suggests New Study

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The Lower Your Social Class, the ‘Wiser’ You Are, Suggests New Study

submitted by Carrie La Jeunesse


Growing up working class gives people social skills that help broaden their perspective during conflicts. NICOLAS HOIZEY/UNSPLASH

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Social class and wise reasoning about interpersonal conflicts across regions, persons and situations - by Michael Price - December 20, 2017

There’s an apparent paradox in modern life: Society as a whole is getting smarter, yet we aren’t any closer to figuring out how to all get along. “How is it possible that we have just as many, if not more, conflicts as before?” asks social psychologist Igor Grossmann.

The answer is that raw intelligence doesn’t reduce conflict, Grossmann asserts. Wisdom does. Such wisdom—in effect, the ability to take the perspectives of others into account and aim for compromise—comes much more naturally to those who grow up poor or working class, he says.

A 2017 study by Grossmann and colleagues found that people with less income and less education are roughly twice as "wise" as those in the upper middle class. The researchers posit that relying on shared, communal resources breeds conflict-resolution skills.




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