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Re: [racwebsite] Conversation about the 10-12 pager
Fri, 2021-01-01 15:01 — Jan BooherI am concerned about catching things that CDC Foundation people will definitely question, like the statement that RAC sites can be established and run by natural leaders working with volunteers. We have no such magic.
People who have worked with natural leaders and volunteers know that it would take 2 to 3 years to get them to deliver what is in our materials saying what we can do without civic leader participation and institutional support.
Please let me know when It makes sense for me to be engaged in this draft process. I am most interested in making sure that what is described is what we have systems to support and that we are very clear about necessary preconditions to support deliverables.
There are a couple of disciplines that have loaded vocabulary terms of art that we want interdisciplinary eyeballs on.
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------ Original Message ------
From: MDMcDonald_me_com
To: development
Sent: January 1, 2021 at 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [racwebsite] Conversation about the 10-12 pager
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