Climate Change: Six Major Energy Companies Write to United Nations to Request Help in Setting Up Carbon Pricing Scheme

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Climate Change: Six Major Energy Companies Write to United Nations to Request Help in Setting Up Carbon Pricing Scheme


A carbon pricing scheme would involve a fee being charged to emit the greenhouse gas and the proceeds would probably go to companies that reduce them - by Ian Johnston - May 31, 2015

Six major energy companies have written to the United Nations asking for help in setting up a carbon pricing scheme to help tackle climate change.

BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Total, Statoil, Eni and the BG Group asked Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to help them hold “direct dialogue with the UN and willing governments” about developing a scheme to charge those who produce carbon emissions. . . .

. . . The companies’ chief executives revealed the move in a letter to the Financial Times, which said: “We owe it to future generations to seek realistic, workable solutions to the challenge of providing more energy while tackling climate change.”



CLICK HERE - Energy industry calls for new emissions targets to aid low-carbon growth

CLICK HERE - World Energy Council - 2015 World Energy Trilemma Report : ambitious climate framework needed now, says energy sector

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