Waste Management - US

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This working group is focused on discussions about waste management.

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about waste management.


Kathy Gilbeaux Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com

Email address for group


U.S. to test sewage in more cities for indications of polio infections


CDC officials say they have been talking with other communities about also starting polio wastewater testing. They are focused on cities and counties with low polio vaccination coverage and those in which travelers had visited the New York communities where polio was found.


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COVID-19 wastewater efforts confront long-term questions


Public health experts hope the technology will help monitor threats beyond COVID-19, like opioids and the flu, but the strategy requires resources and political buy-in. And while Congress has enacted billions in pandemic funding for states, only a handful have used the money to establish wastewater surveillance.

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U.S: Tracking the virus in wastewater is helping respond to the most recent wave of the coronavirus, but a more coordinated national effort is needed, experts sa


As the highly contagious Omicron variant pushes national coronavirus case numbers to record highs and sends hospitals across the country into crisis mode, public health officials are eagerly searching for an indication of how long this surge might last.

The clues are emerging from an unlikely source: sewage.

People who contract the coronavirus shed the virus in their stool, and the virus levels in local wastewater provide a strong, independent signal of how much is circulating in a given community.

The sewage data reveal an Omicron wave that is cresting at different times in different places.

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Sewage testing shows a country flush with coronavirus cases

(CNN) When Rosa Inchausti and her colleagues started testing wastewater in Tempe, Arizona, it was 2018 and they were not looking for coronavirus. They were tracking the opioid epidemic.

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Looking to Reopen, Colleges Become Labs for Coronavirus Tests and Tracking Apps

Thousands of students returning to the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York this month are being asked to wear masks in public, register their health status online each day and electronically log classroom visits for contact tracing if a coronavirus outbreak occurs. But the most novel effort at the school to measure and limit virus spread will require little effort and come quite naturally.

Students need only use the bathroom.

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