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How the Voters of One Small County May Have Stopped 48 Million Tons of Coal

By , Nov. 6,2013, YES!

Opponents of a plan to ship millions of tons of coal through the Pacific Northwest appear headed for victory in the Whatcom County Council election, after a race that saw more than $1 million in campaign funds pour into the small, rural county race from both environmental and industry groups as well as the candidates' own fundraising efforts.

"The fact that our community couldn't be bought is spectacular."

Coal companies and terminal developers are hoping to ship 48 million tons of coal per year through Washington state via the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal at Cherry Point. The Whatcom County Council race emerged as a focal point for opposition to the terminal because the council is in charge of permits for the project, which is currently under environmental review....



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Protesters gather around the world for Million Mask March

Demonstrations in more than 400 cities were planned to coincide with Guy Fawkes Day, with Russell Brand at a London protest.  Russell Brand: we deserve more from our democratic system

Protesters wearing the white-faced Guy Fawkes masks that have become synonymous with the Occupy movement and the hacktivist grouping Anonymous have taken part in hundreds of gatherings around the world in opposition to causes ranging from corruption to fracking.

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How Science Is Telling Us All To Revolt

by Naomi KleinPublished on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 by New Statesman  

In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held annually in San Francisco.

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Seven Strategic Assumptions Of Successful Social Movements

Pace e Bene - Bill Moyer

1. Social Movements Are Proven To Be Powerful

2. Movements Are At The Center of Society

3. The Real Issue Is Social Justice Vs. Vested Interest

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The Most Efficient Health Care Systems In The World

Huffington Post - Kavitha A. Davidson - August 29, 2013

As supporters and opponents of the Affordable Care Act debate the best way to overhaul a clearly broken health care system, it's perhaps helpful to put American medicine in a global perspective.

The infographic below is based on a recent Bloomberg ranking of the most efficient countries for health care, and highlights enormous gap between the soaring cost of treatment in the U.S. and its quality and effectiveness.

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Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) Report, 2013

More than two years since the nuclear disaster began at the Fukushima Daiichi reactors, its impact is massive and widespread. It will be decades before the full scope of the impacts of this ongoing disaster is fully understood but significant health, economic, environmental and social consequences are already evident and quantifiable. Furthermore, independent expert analyses has documented extraordinary industry influence on government regulators, especially widespread collusion among the Japanese government, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the owner/operator of Fukushima, and the nuclear/utility industry. The Fukushima disaster leaves Japan with massive economic loss, radiation exposure to children and others, and a nation grappling with an uncertain nuclear future.


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Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign Spreading Like Wildfire

Image: The kick-off of the Do The Math tour in Seattle on November 7, 2012, coordinated by, whose founder is author and activist Bill McKibben (pictured here in the front, center). Divestment from fossil fuel companies is a key component of the campaign.
A divestment campaign aimed at fossil fuel companies has swept college campuses across the country since it began just four weeks ago, catching university presidents by surprise.

The effort is the result of a student-led campaign coordinated by, a climate advocacy organization founded by author and activist Bill McKibben. The goal is to turn global warming action into the moral issue of this generation.

"Bottom line, for a college or university, you do not want your institution to be on the wrong side of this issue," said Stephen Mulkey, president of Unity College in Maine...

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House GOP Works For Votes On Food Stamp Measure - by Mary Clare Jalonick - September 18, 2013

Republican House leaders are working to line up votes for nearly $4 billion in annual food stamp cuts, but some GOP moderates are questioning if that is too much.

The bill also would end government waivers that have allowed able-bodied adults who don't have dependents to receive food stamps indefinitely.

"I think the cuts are too drastic and too draconian," says Republican Rep. Michael Grimm of New York, who represents Staten Island, which was hard hit by Hurricane Sandy last year. "Those that really need the program will suffer."

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White House Honors Champions of Change in Emergency Preparedness

Posted in by: Richard Serino, Deputy Administrator

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Video - The People's Skype

submitted by Albert Gomez

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