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Earthquake (Seismic) Maps


Where Earthquakes Cluster

20th century earthquakes

Map above, showing earthquakes in the 20th-century (in red). Note how they cluster on the edges of the major tectonic plates (outlined in yellow). Image from PBS Hawaii online "Savage Earth"


USGS ShakeMaps
ShakeMap is a product of the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with regional seismic network operators. The 8 ShakeMap sites (7 US and 1 global ShakeMap) provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning. Click on the location maps or location names below to view a list of recent events.

Shakemap Southern California               Shakemap Northern California               Shakemap Utah               Shakemap Hawaii

 Southern California             Northern California                        Utah                                   Hawaii



Shakemap Pacific NW                Shakemap Alaska               Shakemap Nevada               Shakemap Global

  Pacific Northwest                         Alaska                                Nevada                                Global




Sceanrio Shakemaps

Earthquake Scenarios describe the expected ground motions and effects of specific hypothetical large earthquakes. In planning and coordinating emergency response, utilities, emergency responders, and other agencies are best served by conducting training exercises based on realistic earthquake situations, ones that they are most likely to face. Scenario earthquakes can fill this role; they can be generated for any potential hypothetical future or past historic earthquake. The USGS Shakemap archives page enables you to click on the name of a region at the top of the page, and then click on "scenario" to filter results.





USGS Earthquake Probability Mapping for US and Alaska
Updated to 2009 information
Input location using lat/long or, with 5-digit US postal zip code to discover the probability of an earthquake above 5.0 in your area.
Variables are:
Time Span (number of years to consider in calculation an earthquake will shake up your area)
Magnitude minium for consideration. Calculations can be set  in increments of 0.1, starting at 5.0.



latest earthquakes USA Past 7 days


   USGS Latest Earthquakes in the USA - Last 7 days
    (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico)










Flood Maps

FEMA flood hazard data using either Google Earth or web based Map-Viewer

FEMA "Stay Dry" kmz files for Google Earth

Stay Dry Google Earth Application Instructions

"Stay Dry" is a focused application that provides basic flood hazard map information from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer for an address. It allows you to view flood hazard zones, cross sections and their labels, community names and boundaries, Flood Insurance Rate Map numbers and boundaries, and Letter of Map Revision case numbers and boundaries.

For best performance please delete or turn off previous versions of the "Stay Dry" or "FEMA NFHL" folders that you have loaded in Google Earth before using the new version of "Stay Dry."

FEMA NFHL kmz files for Google Earth

FEMA NFHL Google Earth Application Instructions

"FEMA NFHL" is a general application that provides for the display of flood hazard zones, floodways, Coastal Barrier Resources System and Otherwise Protected Area units, community boundaries and names, base flood elevations, cross sections and coastal transects and their labels, hydraulic and flood control structures, and Flood Insurance Rate Map and Letter of Map Revision boundaries and numbers. Additional reference layers include the status of NFHL data availability, point locations for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR–Fs), Q3 base flood, and subbasin hydrologic units. You control the information displayed by turning layers on and off. A basic knowledge of Google Earth and FEMA flood hazard information will help users of this application.

The name of each layer is hyperlinked to a description of the layer, the map symbols used for the layer, and links to other FEMA web sites relevant to the layer. If a layer is turned on, clicking the text below the name of the layer (text that starts with "Draws at…") zooms the Google Earth view to a sample display of the layer. Layers are organized for display at one or more of three "eye altitude" (map scale) ranges in Google Earth: status maps and subbasins at high altitudes, regional overviews of flood hazards at medium altitudes, and detailed flood hazard maps at low altitudes. Click on the hyperlinked folder name of the application to see the altitudes at which data in the layers are displayed.

For best performance please delete or turn off previous versions of the "Stay Dry" or "FEMA NFHL" folders that you have loaded in Google Earth before using the new version of "FEMA NFHL."


FEMA web-based Map-Viewer of Flood Risk Areas



County Health Rankings in each US State and District of Columbia
Mapping and information that show where we live matters to our health. Includes relevant data in areas of Health Outcomes and Health Factors such as behaviors, clincal care, social and economic factors and physical environment.


US Population Distribution

Continental 48 States and District of Columbia equal area cartogram by Worldmapper. A cartogram map resizes each area according to the variable being mapped. In a population map, regions with more people are have a larger area than those with fewer people.

US Population Cartogram - Worldmapper


Sea Level Rise

Animated maps of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise from the University of Arizona, Environmental Studies Laboratory, Department of Geosciences

Florida sea level flood map






Click on image above for animation of sea level rise impact in Florida


Louisiana sea level rise







Click on image above for animation of sea level rise impact on Louisiana

US Northeast Sea Level Rise mapping

Click on map image above for animation of sea level rise impact on US Northeast


Tsunami Hazard  and Evacuation Zone Maps

Tsunami Evacuation Zones for the State of Hawaii


Hazard Maps by State



California Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Portal
Location specific map overview of possible earthquake, flood, wildfire, and tsunami risks

State of California Department of Conservation Seismic Hazards Zonation Program
Interactive mapping and GIS Data, PDF Maps and Reports for Earthquake/Seismic Hazards

California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Healthcare Atlas
An interactive mapping application using hospital and other healthcare facility data with baseline of 68 Million patient records while adding 16 Million annually.


Pacific Disaster Center Tsunami Evacuation Zones for the State of Hawaii

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Kiluea eruption maps



Indiana Department of Natural Resources Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps

howdy folks
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