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Pharmacies’ starring role in vaccine push could result in unequal access

The Trump administration has made pharmacies a centerpiece of the country’s historic coronavirus vaccination campaign — a decision that could bypass low-income and minority populations hardest hit by the pandemic.

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Low-income children wait months for USDA food aid to replace school meals

Millions of low-income schoolchildren have gone almost an entire semester without receiving federal payments to help their families buy groceries months after Congress authorized the aid — even as child hunger reaches record highs in the U.S.

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People Thought Covid-19 Was Relatively Harmless for Younger Adults. They Were Wrong. --NYTimes op-ed

The largest burden of Covid-19 has undoubtedly fallen on people older than 65; they account for around 80 percent of deaths in the United States. But if we momentarily eclipse that from our mind’s eye, something else becomes visible: The corona of this virus.

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