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Spain reports second monkeypox death

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How Worrisome Are the Cases of Monkeypox in Kids?


"I want caregivers of children to be aware of these considerations," she stated, but emphasized that COVID remains a more pervasive risk to kids at this point...

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In Rural America, Covid Hits Black and Hispanic People Hardest


But across the small towns and farmlands, new research has found, Covid killed Black and Hispanic people at considerably higher rates than it did their white neighbors. Even at the end of the pandemic’s second year, in February 2022, overstretched health systems, poverty, chronic illnesses and lower vaccination rates were forcing nonwhite people to bear the burden of the virus...


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Few Parents Intend to Have Very Young Children Vaccinated Against Covid



Barely a month after the Food and Drug Administration authorized Covid-19 vaccines for very young children, the prognosis that large numbers of them will actually get the shots looks bleak, according to a new survey of parents released on Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which has monitored vaccine attitudes throughout the pandemic...




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