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Climate Change

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The Climate Change working group is focused on bringing climate science to effective regulatory policy and stimulating the growth of a green economy.

The mission of the Climate Change is to bring climate science to effective regulatory policy and stimulating the growth of a green economy.


John Girard Kathy Gilbeaux Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald scottt@stetsone...

Email address for group

Fracking Causing Rise in Methane Emissions, Study Finds


The boom in fracking for shale gas has dramatically increased global methane emissions. Photograph: Andrew Burton/Getty Images

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Ideas and perspectives: is shale gas a major driver of recent increase in global atmospheric methane?

Researchers say boom in shale oil and gas major contributor to climate emergency - by Jillian Ambrose - August 14, 2019

The boom in the US shale gas and oil may have ignited a significant global spike in methane emissions blamed for accelerating the pace of the climate crisis, according to research . . .

. . . Researchers had previously assumed the “non-traditional” methane was from biological sources such as cows and wetlands, but the latest research suggests unconventional oil and gas from fracking may be playing a significant part.

The theory would support a correlation in the rise of methane in the atmosphere and the boom in fracking across the US over the last decade . . .

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Climate change isn’t an intangible future risk. It’s here now, and it’s killing us.

CLICK HERE - Fourth National Climate Assessment - by Kayla Epstein - August 9, 2019

. . . Last year’s National Climate Assessment, compiled by the Trump administration, warned that heat-related deaths would continue to increase. Climate change would cause illnesses such as asthma and hay fever to become more severe, while wildfires and pollution also posed a risk to respiratory health. Rising temperatures would alter the geographic distribution of disease-carrying insects and pests, endangering new populations.

“Climate change is a public health crisis,” Vijay Limaye told The Post. “The science is really strong in telling us that with climate change accelerating, we expect heat waves to be more frequent, more intense and longer.”



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Extreme Water Stress Affects a Quarter of the World's Population, Say Experts

CLICK HERE - World Resources Institute (WRI) - Aqueduct Tools - by Emily Holden and Vidhi Doshi - August 6, 2019

A quarter of the world’s population across 17 countries are living in regions of extremely high water stress, a measure of the level of competition over water resources, a new report reveals.

Experts at the World Resources Institute (WRI) warned that increasing water stress could lead to more “day zeroes” – a term that gained popularity in 2018 as Cape Town in South Africa came dangerously close to running out of water . . .

 . . . Although the US did not have high levels of water stress overall, a handful of states – including New Mexico and California – were found to be facing significant strains on their water supplies that will only intensify with global heating.


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Climate Change Threatens the World’s Food Supply, United Nations Warns

CLICK HERE - REPORT - IPCC - Climate Change and Land

CLICK HERE - IPCC - Climate Change and Land - by Christopher Flavelle - August 8, 2019

The world’s land and water resources are being exploited at “unprecedented rates,” a new United Nations report warns, which combined with climate change is putting dire pressure on the ability of humanity to feed itself.

The report, prepared by more than 100 experts from 52 countries and released in summary form in Geneva on Thursday, found that the window to address the threat is closing rapidly. A half-billion people already live in places turning into desert, and soil is being lost between 10 and 100 times faster than it is forming, according to the report.


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Climate Crisis Might Be Behind the Rise of Mysterious Superbug C. Auris, Study Suggests


CLICK HERE - STUDY - mBio - On the Emergence of Candida auris: Climate Change, Azoles, Swamps, and Birds - by Jen Christensen - July 23, 2019

The climate crisis may be to blame for the mysterious spread of a multidrug-resistant superbug, Candida auris, according to a study published Tuesday.

Until recently, scientists considered it a mystery how C. auris popped up in more than 30 countries around the globe a decade after it was first discovered in 2009. It emerged simultaneously on three continents -- in India, Venezuela and South Africa -- between 2012 and 2015, each strain being genetically distinct.

The new study, published in the journal mBio, says this serious public health threat may be the first example of a new fungal disease emerging because of the climate crisis.



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Climate Change: Current Warming 'Unparalleled' in 2,000 Years


CLICK HERE - RESEARCH - No evidence for globally coherent warm and cold periods over the preindustrial Common Era

CLICK HERE - RESEARCH - Consistent multidecadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era - by Matt McGrath - July 24, 2019

The speed and extent of current global warming exceeds any similar event in the past 2,000 years, researchers say . . . 

. . . The science teams reconstructed the climate conditions that existed over the past 2,000 years using 700 proxy records of temperature changes, including tree rings, corals and lake sediments. They determined that none of these climate events occurred on a global scale . . . 

. . . Today's warming, by contrast, impacts the vast majority of the world.



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Restoring Forests Could Help Put a Brake on Global Warming, Study Finds


This is where the world could support new forests. The map excludes existing forests, urban areas, and agricultural lands. J. BASTIN, ET. AL., SCIENCE 365, 76, 2019

CLICK HERE - STUDY - The global tree restoration potential - by Somini Sengupta - April 25, 2019

. . . What if we grew new forests on vacant city lots, old industrial buildings — even golf courses?

For the first time, scientists have sought to quantify this thought experiment. How many trees could be planted on every available parcel of land on Earth, where they could go, and what impact could that have on our survival?

They concluded that the planet could support nearly 2.5 billion additional acres of forest without shrinking our cities and farms, and that those additional trees, when they mature, could store a whole lot of the extra carbon — 200 gigatons of carbon, to be precise — generated by industrial activity over the last 150 years.

Parts of the study — led by researchers at ETH Zurich, a university that specializes in science, technology and engineering — were immediately criticized.

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Scientists Predict Climate Change Will Make Dangerous Heat Waves Far More Common

CLICK HERE - RESEARCH - Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days (2019)

CLICK HERE - PAPER - Increased frequency of and population exposure to extreme heat index days in the United States during the 21st century - by Jamie Ducharme - July 16, 2019

People all across the U.S. have been sweating through heat waves this summer, and new research suggests they should get used to it.

Over the next century, climate change will likely make extreme heat conditions—and their concordant health risks—much more frequent in nearly every part of the U.S., according to a paper published in the journal Environmental Research Communications. By the end of the century, it says, parts of the Gulf Coast states could experience more than 120 days per year that feel like they top 100°F.

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'Dangerous' Heat Wave to Scorch Central, Eastern US This Week

    - by Doyle Rice - July 16, 2019

The hottest weather of the summer is poised to spread across much of the central and then eastern U.S. over the next several days.  

Several cities are likely to see their highest temperatures of the summer so far, including Chicago, Detroit, New York City and Washington, D.C., according to the Weather Channel. Many spots are forecast to approach 100 degrees over the next few days.

Factoring in the heat index, temperatures will be even more brutal . . .




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