submitted by Albert Gomez
Honest Buildings has created a profile for any building in the world with an address. This platform is the first place that connects occupants, service providers and owners to each other and the buildings where they live, work and spend their time. Type in an address, and the free service instantly finds information about any commercial or residential building in the U.S., including pictures, reviews, Honesty Ratings(TM), open and completed projects, and the people associated with that building, including service providers, managers and owners.
Anyone can use Honest Buildings to compare buildings based on size, location, type, Honesty Ratings, associated organizations, and the types of projects that have been completed, helping them to make better-informed decisions about real estate.
Projects can range from a new bathroom renovation to obtaining LEED certification for a new real estate development, and everything in between. During its private beta, Honest Buildings has already amassed over 50,000 projects representing over 10 billion square feet of buildings.
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