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Local Towns Signing Up for Twitter and Facebook for Emergency Comm.

submitted by Samuel Bendett

Homeland Security News Wire - December 7, 2011

Following the lead of several other cities and federal agencies, the town of Wilton, Connecticut recently launched a Facebook page and Twitter account to help communicate with residents and share information during a disaster

Following the lead of several other cities and federal agencies, the town of Wilton, Connecticut recently launched a Facebook page and Twitter account to help communicate with residents and share information during a disaster.

Two major storms, including Hurricane Irene, left many Wilton residents without water or electricity for up to a week and sent a strong signal to emergency officials that they needed to improve disaster communications.

To that end, the town created an official Emergency Facebook Page as well as a Twitter account.

Speaking before the Wilton Board of Selectman, Fire Chief Paul Milositz, who is also the town’s emergency response director, said, “We have to get better at [communication with residents].”

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Occupy L.A.: Crowd Swells as Deadline Nears

Los Angeles Times - November 27, 2011


As a midnight deadline loomed, more than 1,000 Occupy L.A. protesters and supporters crammed onto the City Hall lawn for what might be their last general assembly -- the nightly meeting of protesters.

A few climbed into trees while others stood or sat on the ground. For more than three hours, protesters stood up to make statements, lead chants and, in at least one case, sing a gospel song.

Some of the business related to the impending eviction: Speakers gave out the phone number for the National Lawyers Guild, which is providing legal support for any protesters arrested in the action, and directed the protesters to reassemble at Our Lady Queen of Angels church on North Main Street if police cleared the encampment at City Hall.

PHOTOS: Occupy L.A. eviction

Other issues ranged farther afield. Speakers urged the audience to go vegan, and the assembly passed a resolution supporting the repeal of "corporate personhood."

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Occupy Protester Hands President Obama a Note

submitted by Theresa Bernardo - by Holly Bailey - November 22, 2011


(Charles Dharapak/AP)

The Occupy movement trailed President Obama to New Hampshire today, where protestors briefly interrupted his jobs speech at a Manchester high school.

Using the so-called "human microphone" method, protestors shouted Obama down just minutes into his speech, calling attention to the arrest of peaceful protestors at Occupy movements around the country.

They were quickly countered by students, who began chanting, "Obama! Obama!"

But after the speech, a member of the movement got close enough to Obama as the president was shaking hands with members of the audience pass him a note, which was photographed by the Associated Press' Charles Dharapak:

Mr. President: Over 4000 peaceful protesters have been arrested. While bankers continue to destroy the American economy. You must stop the assault on our 1st amendment rights.  Your silence sends a message that police brutality is acceptable. Banks got bailed out. We got sold out.

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"The Arab Spring: A New Era in a Transforming Globe" -- What is the Catalytic Role of Social Media?

This article by Alon Ben-Meir at NYU's Center for Global Affairs brings to light a globalizing transformation being driven by youth using social media, which he predicts has long-lasting world-changing implications.

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Social Media in Emergency Response: Transforming the Response Enterprise


2011 Social Media in Emergency Management Camp
By harnessing the collective power of citizens and engaging communities in their own response and recovery, social media have the power to revolutionize emergency management. Yet, many challenges
including guidelines for use by response agencies, demonstration of value, and characterization of reliability
must be addressed if the potential of social media is to be fully realized in emergency response and relief efforts in the United States. Please join us for this presentation and panel discussion, which will be chaired by Dr. Clarence Wardell of CNA and will feature findings from the report, 2011 Social Media + Emergency Management Camp: Transforming the Response Enterprise.

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Video - Poverty Spilling Into American Suburbs;lst;1

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Poorest Poor in US Hits New Record: 1 in 15 People

submitted by Tom McGinn


FILE - In a Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010 file photo, a man who did not wish to be identified, who lost his job two months ago after being hurt on the job, works to collect money for his family on a Miami street corner.  Associated Press

by Hope Yen and Laura Wides-Munoz - Associated Press / - November 4, 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) — The ranks of America's poorest poor have climbed to a record high — 1 in 15 people — spread widely across metropolitan areas as the housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income.

New census data paint a stark portrait of the nation's haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high. It comes a week before the government releases first-ever economic data that will show more Hispanics, elderly and working-age poor have fallen into poverty.

In all, the numbers underscore the breadth and scope by which the downturn has reached further into mainstream America.

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