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President Obama Launches Climate Tools Including 3-D Maps - by Wendy Koch - July 16, 2014

As part of his plan to help U.S. communities prepare for climate change, President Obama is unveiling initiatives Wednesday that include 3-dimensional mapping to better identify flood risks, landslide hazards and coastal erosion. . .

. . . The U.S. Geological Survey is launching a $13 million 3-D Elevation Program to develop advanced mapping that it says could, among other things, make it quicker to update flood maps and easier to find ideal sites for wind turbines and solar panels. It's relying on lidar (light detection and ranging) technology that uses light from lasers to give the elevation of any spot — from the tree tops to the ground.


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NCFPD Webinar - Community Resilience and Impacts of Interdependent Infrastructure Disruptions as Experienced from Hurricane Sandy
 - Friday, April 4, 2014

Under the dynamic conditions of rapid climate change and broader global changes, resilience and sustainability are not being achieved through traditional emergency management and humanitarian approaches alone. While community-based resilience networks are now beginning to emerge in a race to stabilize New York City's coastal communities significantly impacted by Superstorm Sandy in 2012, many impacted neighborhoods are still trending toward greater vulnerability plaguing recovery and preparedness for the next wave of potentially larger storms.

10amCT / 11amET (One hour long)

Presented By: 
Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.
Chairman, Global Resilience Inititatives
Executive Director, Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc.

Facilitated By:
John T. Hoffman, Col., USA, Ret.
Senior Research Fellow, National Center for Food Protection and Defense


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Philly’s New Land Bank: Will It Give Blighted Communities a Boost?


Philadelphia is famous for its many murals that capture the city's history and spirit, like this one by artist Carl Willis Humphrey honoring W.E.B. Du Bois. The image is painted on the wall of a historical African-American firehouse. Du Bois was a founder of the NAACP and was commissioned in 1896 to survey African-Americans living in the city's Seventh Ward as part of a study on race, The Philadelphia Negro. He is depicted with a census in hand. Photo by Shrub75/Flickr

The city is home to more than 40,000 vacant properties. Now neighborhoods are hoping a new public entity can help them bounce back from the post-industrial blues. - by Jake Blumgart - December 27, 2013

Blighted properties drain public coffers, contribute nothing to the tax base, and serve as havens for crime and trash. After years of work . . . activists hope that a bill passed this December will finally provide Philadelphians with a tool to confront this colossal problem: a land bank.

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Map Your Neighborhood

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Map Your Neighborhood” (MYN) is a program designed to help neighborhoods prepare for disasters and is offered through many local emergency management offices.

Mesh Cities


What does it take to become a smart city?  Why are mesh cities important to sustainability?


For more information:


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White House Honors Champions of Change in Emergency Preparedness

Posted in by: Richard Serino, Deputy Administrator

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Local Towns Signing Up for Twitter and Facebook for Emergency Comm.

submitted by Samuel Bendett

Homeland Security News Wire - December 7, 2011

Following the lead of several other cities and federal agencies, the town of Wilton, Connecticut recently launched a Facebook page and Twitter account to help communicate with residents and share information during a disaster

Following the lead of several other cities and federal agencies, the town of Wilton, Connecticut recently launched a Facebook page and Twitter account to help communicate with residents and share information during a disaster.

Two major storms, including Hurricane Irene, left many Wilton residents without water or electricity for up to a week and sent a strong signal to emergency officials that they needed to improve disaster communications.

To that end, the town created an official Emergency Facebook Page as well as a Twitter account.

Speaking before the Wilton Board of Selectman, Fire Chief Paul Milositz, who is also the town’s emergency response director, said, “We have to get better at [communication with residents].”

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Level 3 Crises Addressed as Level 1 Crises

The Collapse of Sensemaking in Organizations-The Mann Gulch Fire

submitted by "Anonymous"

This is a useful thread.  Several of you might be interested in the link to the famous article "The Collapse of Sensemaking in Organizations:The Mann Gulch Disaster," by Karl E. Weick ( about the 1949 Mann Gulf fire in Montana where 13 firefghters died in a wildfire.   The section beginning on p. 11 "From Vulnerability to Resilience" and from pp 17-23 on "Structures for Resilience" may be particularly applicable.

Some of the comments in the thread also are worthwhile, like input on "Community Involvement."

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Happy Thanksgiving! Creating a Better World

My family came over to America from England on the Mayflower to help create a better world and live a better life of their making.  After their first hard year in Plymouth, Massachusetts, they broke bread with Wampanoag Indians that helped them survive during the hardships of their first year in America to celebrate life, faith, and their new beginnings as strangers in a strange land.  That meal is now commemorated every year as "Thanksgiving" in America.  
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