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Protests in Occupy Oakland are Deepening and Broadening, But Perhaps in the Wrong Direction

One of the concerns from within the Occupy Movement, as well as from outside observers is that police violence is redirecting the energy of the protests into clashes between protesters and the police toward an escalating Victim - Villain - Hero cycle in which violence action is percevied as essential action between increasingly large crowds of citizens and law enforcement.  Increasing reports of police violence and charges are police brutality in many cities seem to be fueling larger and larger crowds inflamed by the injustice of the use of violence by the police against non-violent protesters and reporters acting within their legal rights. 

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Social Media in Emergency Response: Transforming the Response Enterprise


2011 Social Media in Emergency Management Camp
By harnessing the collective power of citizens and engaging communities in their own response and recovery, social media have the power to revolutionize emergency management. Yet, many challenges
including guidelines for use by response agencies, demonstration of value, and characterization of reliability
must be addressed if the potential of social media is to be fully realized in emergency response and relief efforts in the United States. Please join us for this presentation and panel discussion, which will be chaired by Dr. Clarence Wardell of CNA and will feature findings from the report, 2011 Social Media + Emergency Management Camp: Transforming the Response Enterprise.

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submitted by Jeffrey Stiefel

THRIVE: A Community Approach to Address Health Disparities

Prevention Institute has updated its Community Approach to Addressing Disparities in Health with the revision of THRIVE: Toolkit for Health and Resilience in Vulnerable Environments.  A centerpiece of THRIVE is a set of community level factors that are linked to Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators.  It now features a simplified list of thirteen factors to facilitate use of the tool at the local level.

THRIVE Executive Summary (PDF)

THRIVE Expert Panel

Advancing a Community Resilience Approach to Improve Health Outcomes

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Does Adaptive Management of Natural Resources Enhance Resilience to Climate Change?

Emerging insights from adaptive and community-based resource management suggest that building resilience into both human and ecological systems is an effective way to cope with environmental change characterized by future surprises or unknowable risks. In this paper, originally published in Ecology and Society, authors Emma Tompkins argue that these emerging insights have implications for policies and strategies for responding to climate change. The authors review perspectives on collective action for natural resource management to inform understanding of climate response capacity. They demonstrate the importance of social learning, specifically in relation to the acceptance of strategies that build social and ecological resilience. Societies and communities dependent on natural resources need to enhance their capacity to adapt to the impacts of future climate change, particularly when such impacts could lie outside their experienced coping range. This argument is illustrated by an example of present-day collective action for community-based coastal management in Trinidad and Tobago.

Gallup Poll: 37% Support Occupy Wall Street Movement

A recent poll is showing that very large numbers of Americans support the Occupy Wall Street movement and that this support may be growing.  This story also shows the general difference between OWS protesters and Tea Party protesters.  OWS protesters are tending to blame the private sector.  The Tea Party protesters are tending to look at government as being at the heart of the problem.  As the OWS movement grows many Tea Party protesters are realizing that they too are part of the 99% embraced by the Occupy Everywhere movement.

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Guardian: Maps and Lists of Occupy Everywhere Sites


The below Guardian article provides a map and lists of where Occupy Everywhere protests are emerging.  They are primarily, but not exclusively in the U.S. and Europe, in countries where the economy is in significant decline and inequities are significant.  In most of these places, the youth fear that their future will be worse than their parents, due to the greed of a global elite insensitive to the destruction they have caused economically and environmentally.


The list includes 951 cities in 82 countries.


To see the story and full list, go to:



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Guardian: Snapshots of the Occupy Everywhere Protesters Views


This Guardian photo slideshow depicts how the Occupy Everywhere movement is growing globally. The protesters talk about what is motivating them.  In generzl, they are talking about how their governments have failed to provide the fundamentals of resilience to their generation.  They intend to take these matters into their own hands. 


Occupy protests: Rita Maestre, Madrid

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Occupy Sydney

In Sydney, as well as Melbourne, the police have been very aggressive against the Occupy Syndney demonstrators.

Many arrests have been made.

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Police Attack Demonstrators in Occupy Melbourne

The word from the streets of Melbourne is that the police have been very aggressive.  The violence against demonstrators is leading to investigations and legal actions against the city.  The violence by the police, instead of suppressing the crowds, has amplified the numbers of people joining the protests.

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