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IEEE Green Tech Conference--Call for Papers Extended

NEWS from IEEE-USA, 2001 L Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928

IEEE Green Technologies Conference Extends Call for Papers on Current & Emerging Renewable Energy Sources & Clean Energy Technologies 

WASHINGTON (4 November 2013) -- IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GREENTECH 2014) organizers have extended the call for papers on topics related to green technology, renewable energy and clean technology to 8 November.

 Accepted papers will be presented during the sixth-annual conference (, 3-4 April 2014, at the Omni Corpus Christi (Texas) Hotel. They will be published in a conference proceedings CD and available through the digital library IEEE Xplore.

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Executive Order -- Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary - November 1, 2013


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to prepare the Nation for the impacts of climate change by undertaking actions to enhance climate preparedness and resilience, it is hereby ordered as follows:

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Name that video ... group transport in a post-petrochemical era

What caption would YOU put under this video?

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How Science Is Telling Us All To Revolt

by Naomi KleinPublished on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 by New Statesman  

In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held annually in San Francisco.

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Al Gore: world is on brink of 'carbon bubble'

, environment correspondent., Thursday 31 October 2013 21.08 EDT

The world is on the brink of the "largest bubble ever" in finance, because of the undisclosed value of high-carbon assets on companies' balance sheets, and investment managers who fail to take account of the risks are failing in their fiduciary duty to shareholders and investors, Al Gore and his investment partner, David Blood, have said.

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Home> U.S. Major Pension Funds Ask for Climate Change Study - October 24th, 2013 - Kevin Begos

Some of the largest pension funds in the U.S. and the world are worried that major fossil fuel companies may not be as profitable in the future because of efforts to limit climate change, and they want details on how the firms will manage a long-term shift to cleaner energy sources.

In a statement released Thursday, leaders of 70 funds said they're asking 45 of the world's top oil, gas, coal and electric power companies to do detailed assessments of how efforts to control climate change could impact their businesses.

"Institutional investors must think over the long term, which means that we must take environmental risks into consideration when we make investments," New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli told The Associated Press in a statement.


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Malaria in United States Is at a 40-Year High

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Seven Strategic Assumptions Of Successful Social Movements

Pace e Bene - Bill Moyer

1. Social Movements Are Proven To Be Powerful

2. Movements Are At The Center of Society

3. The Real Issue Is Social Justice Vs. Vested Interest

... - Read Full Article -

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RWI Insider Interviews: The Municipal Perspective on Waste Conversion Projects

submitted by Al Cisneros

This brief provides an essential insight into the experience of municipal waste conversion projects so far, and explains some of the ways municipalities overcome the multitude of challenges they face.

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7th Annual TIDES Technology Field Demonstration

7th Annual TIDES TechnologyField Demonstration

Image: 7th Annual TIDES TechnologyField Demonstration - October 1-4th, 2013

In the link below are images from the 7th Annual TIDES Technology Field Demonstration.


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