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Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Jan 21
This group will coordinate the activities of core leaders associated with Resilient American Communities in Connecticut.
Group: About
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Nov 11
The "About" Group is focused on the creation of the "About" Primary Link in the U.S. Resilience System.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Agile Logistics working group will study progress being made to provide products and services to populations at risk.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 11
This working group is focused on adopting the attributes of agility, focus, and convergence for improved management and governance.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 12
This working group is focused on discussions about assessing resilience in the U.S.
Group: Banking -- US
Manager: Gina Angiola
Created: Jul 13
This group is focused on banking, money, and credit issues within the US
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 12
This working group is focused on discussions about Biomedical Engineering.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 14
This working group is focused on discussions about the Built Environment.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Climate Change working group is focused on bringing climate science to effective regulatory policy and stimulating the growth of a green economy.
Group: Communication
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
The Communication Working Group is focused on communication improving health and human security status in the U.S.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 16
This working group is focused on discussions about Community Choice Aggregation (CCA).
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 11
The Community Health Resilience Collaboratory is focused on exploring the advancement of community health resilience.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 13
This working group is focused on discussions about community violence resilience.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
Crisis Information Center for Congress
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Cross-generational Resilience, Existential Challenges, and Survival Group is a Specialized Collaboratory Leading up to this Symposium at NDU.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
This working group is focused on discussions about disaster management.
Group: Economics
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 11
This working group is focused on sustainable economics and financial balance within resilient social ecologies.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 14
This working group is focused on discussions about education.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 12
The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about emergency management.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 13
This working group is focused on discussions about employment.
Group: Environment
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The FEMA Whole Society Initiative working group is focused on exploring the best practices for engaging whole society initiative in mega-disasters.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 12
This working group is focused on discussions about genetically modified organisms.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Geospatial Intelligence and Visual Analytics working group is focused on advances in geospatial intelligence and visual analytics.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 12
This working group is focused on discussions about the Greening of the US Government.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Apr 12
This working group is focused on discussions about greening the corporate sector.
Group: Health - US
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Apr 12
This working group is focused on discussions about health.
Group: Housing - US
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Dec 13
This working group is focused on discussions about housing.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
The Human Security Index Working Group is focused on measuring health and human security status in the U.S.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 16
This working group is focused on discussions about hurricane preparedness.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Nov 12
This group is focused on issues related to Hurrican Sandy
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 14
This working group is focused on discussions about immigration, human trafficking and population issues.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 13
This working group is focused on discussions about innovations.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 13
This group focuses on the insurance industry's response to the increasing number of natural events and how this response impacts Americans.
Group: Intelligence?
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 14
Exploration of "Intelligence" from five perspectives
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Knowledge Science working group is focused on exploring the advancement of knowledge science.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 13
The Lehigh Valley Resilience Network working group is focused on building health, human security, resilience, and sustainability in Lehigh Valley, PA.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Dec 11
This working group is focused on discussions about the Level 1 Crisis.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 13
This working group is focused on discussions about events in Level IV Crisis.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Dec 11
This working group is focused on discussions about Level V Crisis.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
Local Resilience Networks
Group: Maps - US
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Dec 13
This working group is focused on discussions about maps.
Group: Media
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Feb 21
This Group will archive media content from RAC sites.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Apr 12
The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about medical devices.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 14
This working group is focused on discussions about mental health.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 11
This collaboratory is focused on discussions about the National Capital Region Resilience System.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
National Initiatives on U.S. Resilience and Sustainability
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Nuclear and Radiation working group is focused on exploring the best practices for addressing nuclear and radiation events.
Group: Occupy DC
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
This working group is focused on discussions about Occupy DC.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
The Occupy Everywhere Collaboratory is focused on exploring the nature of Occupy Everywhere.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
The Occupy Oakland Collaboratory is focused on following the trajectory of the Occupy Oakland
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
This working group is focused on discussions about Occupy Wall Street.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
One Health Knowledge Management System
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 13
This working group focuses on issues surrounding the extraction, processing, and use of petrochemicals.
Group: Poverty
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Nov 11
This working group is focused on discussions about poverty.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 12
This working group is focused on discussions about privacy, secrecy, and openness issues.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 21
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 21
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 21
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Jan 21
This work group will coordinate the management of RAC sites and engagement throughout the Migrant Clinicians Network and serve as an archive of notable correspondence with RAC collaborators.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Dec 20
This work group will support coordination of the RAC Montgomery Co, TN.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 21
RAC Workgroup Efforts Focused on Vaccines and Vaccination
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Mar 21
This Work Group will coordinate the management of RAC Tools and Methods for Word Tabernacle Church.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Mar 20
This group will use the US Resilience System, its dashboards and tools to support Whatcom County during the COVID-19 response, and innovate to create and share tools for community resilience.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
Regional Resilience Systems
Group: Resilience
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 12
The Resilience Collaboratory focuses on the issues associated with dynamic adaption of social ecologies.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 14
This working group is focused on discussions about resilience in sports.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Resilience Simulation and Exercises working group is focused on simulations & exercises that enable strategic and operational foresight.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Dec 20
This group will include discussions about resilientamericancommunities content and organization.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 11
This collaboratory is focused on discussions about Risk Communication.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 13
This working group is focused on discussions about sea level rise.
Group: Sequestration
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Aug 12
The Sequestration working group is focused on understanding the impacts of sequestration within the U.S.
Group: Shelter - US
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 12
This working group is focused on discussions about shelter.
Group: Smart Cities
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jan 12
The Smart Cities Collaboratory will be focusing on the issues associated with the use of distributed smart grids.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Sep 11
This working group is focused on tracking factors that may lead to riots during social crisis.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 11
The Social Media and Governance in Times of Transition Symposium will discuss principles and processes associated with social media and governance..
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Nov 11
This working group is focused on discussions about sourcing food, drugs, and imports from Japan.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Apr 13
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: May 11
State Resilience Systems
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jun 12
The Sustainability Working Group is focused on exploring sustainability issues in the U.S.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Jul 11
This collaboratory is focused on discussions about Sustainable Energy.
Group: Trade - US
Manager: Gina Angiola
Created: Jul 13
This group is focused on trade policies affecting communities in the United States
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Mar 12
This working group is focused on discussions about transportation.
Group: US - Water
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Nov 11
This working group is focused on discussions about US - Water.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Apr 20
This Work Group will coordinate the activities of the Resilient American Communities Leaders in Ashe County.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Apr 20
This Work Group will work to connect residents with food sources and develop relationships with local farmers to facilitate food security and distribution in Ashe County.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Apr 20
This Work Group will evaluate mapping needs in the community, and create maps that facilitate response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Apr 20
This Work Group will work to disseminate accurate public health information and to gather information to facilitate meeting needs in the community.
Manager: Jan Booher
Created: Apr 20
This group will work to connect those in need in the community with resources.
Manager: mdmcdonald
Created: Oct 11
Food supply, food politics, and food safety in the US, inclusive of global concerns and needs


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