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For general topics related to U.S. resilience.
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A respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China.
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Include in your post: skills you are offering; time frame available; where you can do this; how to contact you; restrictions or considerations
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Please post: what supply or service you are offering; quantity; location of supplies or services; how to contact you; any restrictions or considerations.
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Please post: What skill you need; where you need people; why you are asking; duration you anticipate needing people for this skill; your contact information; considerations or restrictions
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Please post: what supplies or service you need; where you need them; anticipated time frame; how to contact you; restrictions or considerations.
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The Opinions Forum is an avenue for editorials and opinions that reflect the pulse of public opinion on key issues that are shaping our world at the global, national, regional, and community levels. Whereas the cover stories, working groups, and other sections of the Resilience Systems and their nested subsystems are focused on evidence-based and science-based communication, the Opinions Forum encourages expression on topics of resilience-related importance to each community. The Resilience System content management team reserves the right to remove expression that is offensive. Violent, illegal, pornographic, or commercial communication will be removed. Insightful counterpoint is welcome.
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This Forum section airs key questions and addresses key policy and operational issues associated with social media and management and governance related to large-scale emergencies or highly complex crises.
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President Barack Obama requested the development of a Presidential Policy Directive 8 that defines resilience and moves the U.S. toward whole society processes of preparing for emergencies.
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FEMA's Director of Policy and Program Analysis, Dave Kaufman, developed a progress report highlighting the 2010-2011 insights from the Strategic Foresight Initiative. This report is called Crisis Response and Disaster Resilience 2030. Please share your ideas on findings presented in this report. Are there issues for which you disagree or are there key issues that have not yet been addressed in this process?
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David Alberts, former Director of DOD's Command and Control Research, has recently published a book called The Agility Imperative. Please read the following post called "The Agility Imperative". Do you agree with his positions? If not, please state your positions.
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The Measuring Resilience forum explores mechanisms for assessing risk, vulnerability, and resilience.
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This forum explores resilient solutions to highly complex and wicked problems.
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STAR-TIDES (Sharing To Accelerate Research-Transformative Innovation for Development and Emergency Support) is a research effort that promotes sustainable support to stressed populations – post-war, post-disaster, or impoverished, in foreign or domestic contexts, for short-term or long-term (multi-year) operations.
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