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Geospatial Intelligence and Visual Analytics

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The Geospatial Intelligence and Visual Analytics working group is focused on advances in geospatial intelligence and visual analytics.

The mission of the Geospatial Intelligence and Visual Analytics working group is to focus on how advances in geospatial intelligence and visual analytics are shaping how intelligent social networks collectively address risk, vulnerability, and resilience.


bevcorwin Craig Vanderwagen drvroeg efrost Eric Kutner George Bressler
Jeff Kutner Kathy Gilbeaux Katie Rast Laurie Van Leuven Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald
Michael Gresalfi

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US Flood Risk 'Severely Underestimated'


During Hurricane Harvey, Port Arthur in Texas experienced some the most extreme impacts of flooding - Getty Images

Scientists and engineers have teamed up across the Atlantic to "redraw" the flood map of the US. - by Victoria Gill - 11 December 2017

Their work reveals 40 million Americans are at risk of having their homes flooded - more than three times as many people as federal flood maps show.

The UK-US team say they have filled in "vast amounts of missing information" in the way flood risk is currently measured in the country.

They presented the work at the 2017 American Geophysical Union meeting.


CLICK HERE - 2017 American Geophysical Union meeting


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Humanity from Space - July 21, 2015

From the global perspective of space, this 2-hour special reveals the breathtaking extent of our influence, revealing how we’ve transformed our planet and produced an interconnected world of extraordinary complexity.

A journey through 12,000 years, Humanity from Space shows how seemingly small flashes of innovation have changed the course of civilization; innovations that touch all of us today in ways unimaginable to our ancestors. And we’ll gaze into the future at the new challenges we’ll face in order to survive as our global population soars because of our success.

CLICK HERE - PBS - Humanity from Space

CLICK HERE - YouTube - Humanity from Space

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Problem, Solution, SitRep, or ?: - The Home of the U.S. Government’s Open Data

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Problem, Solution, SitRep, or ?: - The Home of the U.S. Government’s Open Data

Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.

CDC - Mapping for Ebola: A Collaborative Effort

         - January 14, 2015

One of the difficulties faced by teams responding to the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa is identifying individuals and communities residing in remote areas. Existing maps of these regions either do not exist or are inadequate or outdated. This means that basic data like location of houses, buildings, villages, and roads are not easily accessible, and case finding and contact tracing can be extremely difficult.

To help aid the outbreak response effort, volunteers from around the world are using an open-source online mapping platform called OpenStreetMap (OSM) to create detailed maps and map data of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and parts of Mali.


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Fighting Ebola with Data, Satellites and Drones

Healthcare workers in Sierra Leone spray disinfectant to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus in Kenema, on September 24, 2014.

Image: Healthcare workers in Sierra Leone spray disinfectant to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus in Kenema, on September 24, 2014. - September 25th, 2014 - Patrick Tucker

Current Centers of Disease Control estimates suggest that the disease could infect more than 1.4 million people by January. To limit Ebola’s spread, researchers need better on-the-ground intelligence about where it’s moving. But the virus’s deadly mortality rate, 70 percent for this strain, makes up-close observation as difficult as gathering data on a deadly human adversary. 

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President Obama Launches Climate Tools Including 3-D Maps - by Wendy Koch - July 16, 2014

As part of his plan to help U.S. communities prepare for climate change, President Obama is unveiling initiatives Wednesday that include 3-dimensional mapping to better identify flood risks, landslide hazards and coastal erosion. . .

. . . The U.S. Geological Survey is launching a $13 million 3-D Elevation Program to develop advanced mapping that it says could, among other things, make it quicker to update flood maps and easier to find ideal sites for wind turbines and solar panels. It's relying on lidar (light detection and ranging) technology that uses light from lasers to give the elevation of any spot — from the tree tops to the ground.


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Billionaire Jack Dangermond's Esri Pledges $1 Billion Of Mapping Software To America's K-12 Schools

Jack Dangermond of Esri

Image: Jack Dangermond of Esri - Liyan Chen - May 27th 2014

After supporting America’s K-12 and STEM education for more than two decades, billionaire Jack Dangermond is now taking his commitment to the next level by bringing free mapping software to more than 100,000 schools.

Dangermond, the 69-year-old founder and president of the mapping software company Environmental Science Research Institute (known as Esri), announced today that the company will make its advanced mapping software ArcGIS available for free for all the K-12 schools across the country. Through the program, students will now have access to the cloud-based software — the same GIS technology used by governments and businesses — to map and analyze data.


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FAQ - How do I find a Census tract code for a specific street address?

How do I find a Census tract code for a specific street address?

The Census Bureau offers an Address Search tool in the American FactFinder that allows users to enter an address and then view each level of Census geography, including tract, in which the address is located.  The American FactFinder uses the address ranges in the Census Bureau’s MAF/TIGER database to geocode addresses.

If you are unable to locate your address using the American FactFinder tool, another option is the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) tool, which uses a commercial database to geocode.

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Webinar - National Resilience Dashboard Task Force Initiative

February 11, 2014

CLICK HERE - Webinar and Slideshow - National Resilience Dashboard Task Force Initiative


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A Picture of Detroit Ruin, Street by Forlorn Street


Leonard Patterson took a picture of a parcel of land on Detroit’s northwest side earlier this month as part of an emerging database. Credit Fabrizio Costantini for The New York Times - by Monica Davey - February 17, 2014

DETROIT — A midnight blue Chevy rolls slowly down a snow-covered street, an emergency strobe light on its roof and a sign on its side that promises this is “official business.” At each house, business, even vacant lot, workers in the car pause to decide whether someone lives there and what shape the place is in before snapping a photo and beaming it to “mission control” miles away.

All over Detroit, scores of these workers — on some days as many as 75 three-person teams — have been wending their way through the streets since December, cataloging on computer tablets one of this bankrupt city’s most devastating ailments: its tens of thousands of abandoned and dilapidated buildings.


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