New smartphone app reduces information overload

Published 14 June 2011 
Researchers have developed a new smartphone application to avoid information overload by processing large quantities of data in real time and presenting it in user friendly clusters; the software is the first to allow a user to make real time adjustments to how information is displayed on a phone as it is acutely "aware" of how cluttered the screen is; the new application can be used in a wide array of instances including natural disasters, monitoring multiple hospital patient's heart levels, and mapping the locations of first responders deployed during an emergency

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Interim Resilience Report

In response to the recent disasters in the U.S. and Japan and the release of Presidential Policy Directive-8: National Preparedness, the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) today released the Interim Report of its Preparedness, Response, and Resilience Task Force.  The report urges policymakers to develop a shared-and actionable-vision of resilience.


Video - NLE 11 DHS FEMA New Madrid Fault Earthquake "History"

The DHS, FEMA, and US Army Corps of Engineers is "celebrating" the 100 year "anniversary" of the 1811 New Madrid Fault Earthquake.


This video is from the US Army Corps, DHS, and FEMA.

NYC Mayor Bloomberg, FEMA, FCC Detail NYC Emergency Notification System

From Wired

   * By Sam Gustin Email Author
   * May 10, 2011  |
   * 4:39 pm
NEW YORK — Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg unveiled the nation’s first comprehensive, geographically targeted emergency notification system for cellphones on Tuesday, declaring the launch to be a “quantum leap forward in using technology to help keep people safe.”

Flanked by federal officials, members of New York’s congressional delegation, the city’s top law-enforcement officials, and top executives from the nation’s largest wireless companies, Bloomberg detailed the Personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN) ata press conference overlooking ground zero of the 9/11 attacks nearly a decade ago.

PLAN is a free service that will send geographically-targeted, emergency text alerts to enabled mobile devices, alerting citizens of “imminent threats to safety” in their area. The service will be rolled out in New York City by the end of 2011 — at least two quarters, the Mayor emphasized, before the rest of the nation.

Human Security Index for the U.S. Published

A paper introducing the Human Security Index for the USA has been published by IEEE Earthzine:

For those who might be curious about the global HSI, about 1/5 of the way through that paper is a short note on the global HSI.  In the 2nd paragraph of that section is a hyperlink to "global HSI version 2" which goes to a page hosting data, sample maps, and an evolving documentation note on the global HSI.

US map

[gmap zoom=3 |center=38.959408792454276,-95.2734375 |width=95% |height=500px |control=Small |type=Hybrid]

US Map

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