Get a Local Clean Energy Future by Trading-in the 20th Century Electric Grid

submitted by Janine Rees


Stream Gaging Station by Beige Alert, on Flickr

by John Farrell - - February 27, 2012

In a New York Times SundayReview piece last week – Drawing the Line at Power LinesElisabeth Rosenthal suggested that our desire for clean energy will require significant tradeoffs . . .

I disagree.

The future of American electricity policy is not about tradeoffs, but rather a chance to trade-in an obsolete, centralized paradigm for a local, clean energy future.


Disease Sleuths Surf For Outbreaks Online

Source: NPR - Credit: Adam Cole, Maggie Starbard

by Adam Cole - - February 24, 2012

. . . "Surveillance is one of the cornerstones of public health," says Philip Polgreen, an epidemiologist at the University of Iowa. "It all depends on having not only accurate data, but timely data."

Public health officials have been trying to speed up their responses to disease outbreaks since, well, they started responding to outbreaks.

There's still plenty of room for improvement.

The current system requires the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to compile reports about from physicians and labs all over the country — and that can take a while. There's typically a week-long delay between an outbreak and the release of an official report.

To get an early read on things, epidemiologists look for the first clues of illness — a rise in thermometer sales or increased chatter on hospital phone lines. Now, they're tapping into the Internet. . . .

  • Emergency Management without Social Media…fail

       - February 26, 2012

    In the world of Twitter, Facebook , YouTube and everything else that demands instantaneous information sharing it is horrible to see an event occur and the only information that comes out is rumour, guesses and innuendo.

    Today, I watched virtually as a passenger train derailment occurred in the region that I live in.  In fact, I was out with my family today and we weren’t to far from the location where the event occurred.

    Like so many others, I learned about the event on Twitter and I stayed with the information all afternoon and into the evening.


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    Video - Crisis Management 3.0: Social Media and Governance in Times of Transition


    The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has now posted the video from the conference "Crisis Management 3.0: Social Media and Governance in Times of Transition", which was held on February 16, 2012.

    The video can be found through the link below.  (Also, the event photographs and Powerpoint presentations are available through links near the bottom of the page.)

    (Some viewers might need to download the JW Player in order to view the video - see the link below)

    Co-hosts: Global Health Initiative, Inc. and National Defense University

    Anticipating The Perfect Storm of Impossible Events

    submitted by Jonathan King

    By: Rich Miller - - February 20, 2012

    Jesse Robbins is a trained fireman. He also has managed some of the world’s largest Internet infrastructures. Robbins says the lessons of fire readiness can be applied to building reliable systems.

    “You cannot learn the lessons of failure without experiencing it,” said Robbins, the co-founder and Chief Community Office at Opscode. “That’s why we do fire drills.”


    Video - Scientists Eye Threat of Pacific Northwest Megaquake

    submitted by Samuel Bendett

    By Ben Gutierrez - - February 21, 2012

    EWA BEACH (HawaiiNewsNow) - Scientists say there are parallels between recent earthquakes and ground movement in the Pacific Northwest and what happened in Japan before last year's devastating quake and tsunami.

    The research was discussed over the weekend at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Scientists at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach are well aware of the new research.


    What is a Virtual Operations Support Team?

    Guest Post: Scott Reuter - - February 13, 2012

    I’m fortunate to be working with a group of #SMEM*  friends who like to help each other during disasters. We train on real disasters as well as live non-disaster events, such as conferences and fast-moving popular events, so that we can test new social media tools and techniques. We do this to learn for our own varied emergency needs, and to share what we learn with others in order to contribute to the development of social media disaster operations in all phases of disasters. We call ourselves the “Virtual Operations Support Team“, or VOST for those who prefer acronyms.**


    One Billion Smartphones by 2016, Says Forrester

    submitted by Samuel Bendett

    by Zack Whittaker - - February 13, 2012

    Summary: A new Forrester research report sees over 1 billion smartphones being used by 2016, while app store spending increases and ‘bring your own’ device becomes the norm.

    In a world where already you cannot travel on the subway without someone flipping out their cellphone, or stand at a Starbucks without someone yapping away on their iPhone, imagine what’ll happen with 1 billion smartphones out there?

    Forrester seems to think so. Analysts at Forrester believe that by 2016 — only four years away, and in time for the following Olympics — there could be as many as 1 billion smartphones on the planet. This isn’t to say that everyone will have two or more smartphones, that is.


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    The Age of Big Data

    Image/Chad Hagen - The New York Times Company

    submitted by Samuel Bendett

    by Steve Lohr - The New York Times -February 11, 2012

    GOOD with numbers? Fascinated by data? The sound you hear is opportunity knocking.

    Mo Zhou was snapped up by I.B.M. last summer, as a freshly minted Yale M.B.A., to join the technology company’s fast-growing ranks of data consultants. They help businesses make sense of an explosion of data — Web traffic and social network comments, as well as software and sensors that monitor shipments, suppliers and customers — to guide decisions, trim costs and lift sales. “I’ve always had a love of numbers,” says Ms. Zhou, whose job as a data analyst suits her skills.


    Thad Allen: "It's a leadership challenge, it's a legal challenge, it's a policy challenge, it's a resource challenge"

    by Alice Johnson - - February 1, 2012

    Thad W. Allen, senior vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton, recently retired from the United States Coast Guard. As the 23rd Commandant of the US Coast Guard, Admiral Allen was selected by President George W. Bush to lead the response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita as the Principal Federal Official. In 2010, he was selected by President Barack Obama to lead the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, as National Incident Commander. He spoke to Zawya about effectively handling large-scale catastrophes.


    Twitter - #Crisis30

    Remote Access to Crisis Management 3.0: Noon to 2 PM Eastern Today

    Use Twitter hashtag <#Crisis 30>  and email <***@***.***> to submit comments and questions to the speakers during the session between noon and 2 PM.

    Use Twitter hashtag <#Crisis 30>  and email <***@***.***> to submit comments and questions to the speakers during the session between noon and 2 PM.

    Crisis Management 3.0: Social Media and Governance in Times of Transition


    Remote Webcast Begins at 12:00 Noon (Eastern Time) - (See Link Below)

    (Some viewers might need to download the JW Player in order to view the webcast - see the link below)

    On February 16, the Science and Technology Innovation Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Global Health Initiative, Inc., and the National Defense University will host a forum and webcast examining the role of social networks for preventing, responding to and managing large-scale crises. The discussion will focus on how governments and other institutions can leverage the power of intelligent social networks to proactively engage citizens in democratic processes and to enhance resilience and sustainability in extreme crises.

    Save the Date - Second Annual Conference on “Building Resilience through Public-Private Partnerships”

    Save the Date!

                                                           Second Annual Conference on

                                     "Building Resilience through Public-Private Partnerships"

                                                  July 23 - 24, 2012, Colorado Springs, CO

    Sponsored by United States Northern Command in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA


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