Hunger Is Rising Across U.S., Say City Leaders

Food being served.

Image: Food being served. - December 11, 2013 - Denver Nicks

Hunger is on the rise in major cities across the United States, according to a new survey released Wednesday by the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

In the survey of mayors in 25 major American cities, 83 percent said requests for emergency food aid had increased over last year while budgets for emergency food purchases increased by less than one percent. Across all 25 cities, 21 percent of those applying for assistance did not receive it.

(VIEW 120-PAGE PDF REPORT - The United States Conference of Mayors - Hunger and Homelessness Survey)

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Census Bureau Introduces New Interactive Mapping Tool along with Latest American Community Survey Statistics December 17, 2013

The U.S. Census Bureau released Census Explorer, a new interactive mapping tool that gives users easier access to neighborhood level statistics. The mapping tool uses updated statistics from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey (ACS), which were also released today.

The new application allows users to map out different social, economic and housing characteristics of their state, county or census tract, and to see how these areas have changed since the 1990 and 2000 censuses. The mapping tool is powered by American Community Survey statistics from the Census Bureau's API, an application programming interface that allows developers to take data sets and reuse them to create online and mobile apps.


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Cheap Mobile Technology is Vital in Disaster Recovery

submitted by Mike Kraft


Jason Hall of Stansell Electric, left, talks with project manager Daron Whitehead as Nashville Wire and other vendors help repair the electrical systems after floodwaters inundated the company in May 2010, destroying $1.2 million in inventory alone./ Dipti Vaidya / File / The Tennessean - by J. J. Rosen - December 8, 2013

In May 2010, after 36 hours of continuous rain, Nashville was in serious trouble. The “Flood of 2010,” as it came to be known, created a disaster that affected almost everyone in the city. . .

. . . In 2010, the idea of servers and applications being remotely hosted in the cloud was relatively new, and mobile technology was not as prevalent as it is today. Combining mobile and cloud, small- and medium-size businesses can now afford to design and implement disaster-recovery and business-continuity plans that have the same features as their larger competitors.


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National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI)

submitted by Deirdre Darragh

The NHSPI™ examines the health security preparedness of the nation by looking collectively at the health security preparedness of states. The Index results are updated annually.

The NHSPI™ applies the National Health Security Strategy definition of national health security: the state in which the Nation and its people are prepared for, protected from, and resilient in the face of health threats or incidents with potentially negative health consequences.


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ULI Receives $800,000 Grant from the Kresge Foundation to Support Institute’s Community Resiliency Program

The Maritime Center in New Haven during Hurricane Irene.

submitted by Bill Greenberg - by Robert Krueger - December 11, 2013

WASHINGTON (December 11, 2013) – The Urban Land Institute (ULI), a global research and education institute dedicated to responsible land use and sustainable community building, has been awarded an $800,000 grant from The Kresge Foundation to support the institute’s pursuit of urban design and development practices that are more resilient and adaptable to the impact of climate change.

ULI’s community resiliency program explores how issues related to climate change are affecting the real estate industry and reshaping urban growth patterns. Through the grant from The Kresge Foundation, ULI will leverage the substantial expertise of its members to provide guidance on community building in a way that responds to inevitable climate change and sea level rise, and helps preserve the environment, boost economic prosperity, and foster a high quality of life.


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Presidential Task Force on Climate Change (PTFCC)

State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force

Climate Change Resilience

Local leaders planning for climate effects - by Matthew Daly - December 10, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — When it comes to climate change, local officials have a message for Washington: Lead or get out of the way.


Local governments have long acted as first responders in emergencies and now are working to plan for sea level rise, floods, hurricanes and other extreme events associated with climate change.

As a presidential task force prepares for its first meeting Tuesday, local officials say they want and need federal support, but they worry that congressional gridlock and balky bureaucratic rules too often get in the way.


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Federal Study Warns of Sudden Climate Change Woes


National Academy of Sciences - by Seth Borenstein - December 3, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hard-to-predict sudden changes to Earth's environment are more worrisome than climate change's bigger but more gradual impacts, a panel of scientists advising the federal government concluded Tuesday.

The 200-page report by the National Academy of Sciences looked at warming problems that can occur in years instead of centuries. The report repeatedly warns of potential "tipping points" where the climate passes thresholds, beyond which "major and rapid changes occur." And some of these quick changes are happening now, said study chairman James White of the University of Colorado.


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Fed Flood Maps Left NY Unprepared for Sandy — and FEMA Knew It

Flooding in Red Hook, Brooklyn after Sandy (Flickr/gunnicool)

The agency ignored state and city officials' appeals to update the maps with better data until it was too late. - December 6, 2013
by Al Shaw : ProPublica / Theodoric Meyer : ProPublica / Christie Thompson : ProPublica

When Patrice and Philip Morgan bought a house near the ocean in Brooklyn, they were not particularly worried about the threat of flooding.

Federal maps showed their home was outside the area at a high risk of flood damage. . .

. . . But the maps drawn up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency were wrong. And government officials knew it.


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33 Resilient Cities Announced by Rockefeller Foundation

                              - by Judith Rodin - December 2, 2013

Today, we are excited to name the first group of cities selected through the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge – cities who have demonstrated a dedicated commitment to building their own capacities to prepare for, withstand, and bounce back rapidly from shocks and stresses.

Since we announced the challenge on our 100th birthday, May 14, 2013, the response has been enormous, with more than 1,000 registrations and nearly 400 formal applications from cities around the world. Each city was asked to present a clear and compelling description of how they are approaching and planning for resilience to decrease vulnerabilities, and after careful review of the applications, a panel of esteemed judges, including former presidents Bill Clinton and Olosegun Obasanjo, recommended the first set of 33 cities for the 100 Resilient Cities Network.

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Researchers Link Earthquakes In Texas To Fracking Process


CREDIT: SHUTTERSTOCK - By Katie Valentine - December 6, 2013

Researchers at Southern Methodist University have linked a string of 2009 and 2010 earthquakes in Texas to the injection of fracking wastewater into the ground, according to a new study.

The researchers examined the group of more than 50 earthquakes that hit the area of Cleburne, Texas in 2009 and 2010, and found that they could have happened because of wastewater injection wells associated with fracking operations. Before 2008, the Fort Worth Basin of Texas had never experienced an earthquake.


STUDY - Analysis of the Cleburne, Texas, Earthquake Sequence from June 2009 to June 2010

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Voltaic Systems - Solar Chargers

Voltaic Systems makes products that produce and store their own power to run your electronics anywhere. We are based in New York City and ship directly to customers and our partners worldwide from warehouses in New Jersey and the Netherlands.

About - Voltaic Systems

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House Votes to Block Federal Fracking Rules

submitted by Margery Schab - by Pete Kasperowicz - November 20, 2013

The House passed legislation Wednesday evening that would block the Department of the Interior from regulating hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in states that already have their own regulations in place.

Members passed the bill 235-187 with the help of 12 Democrats; two Republicans voted against it.

(READ COMPLETE ARTICLE) - H.R. 2728 - H.R. 2728

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Typhoon in Philippines Casts Long Shadow Over U.N. Talks on Climate Treaty

Emotional Speech by Philippine Delegate: Excerpts from a statement about Typhoon Haiyan by Naderev Saño, the chief representative of the Philippines at the Warsaw Climate Change Conference. Radek Pietruszka/European Pressphoto Agency - by Henry Fountain and Justin Gillis - November 11, 2013

The typhoon that struck the Philippines produced an outpouring of emotion on Monday at United Nations talks on a global climate treaty in Warsaw, where delegates were quick to suggest that a warming planet had turned the storm into a lethal monster.

Olai Ngedikes, the lead negotiator for an alliance of small island nations, said in a statement that the typhoon, named Haiyan, which by some estimates killed 10,000 people in one city alone, “serves as a stark reminder of the cost of inaction on climate change and should serve to motivate our work in Warsaw.” . . .

. . . “What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness; the climate crisis is madness,” Mr. Saño said. “We can stop this madness right here in Warsaw.”

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Executive Order -- Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary - November 1, 2013


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to prepare the Nation for the impacts of climate change by undertaking actions to enhance climate preparedness and resilience, it is hereby ordered as follows:

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Home> U.S. Major Pension Funds Ask for Climate Change Study - October 24th, 2013 - Kevin Begos

Some of the largest pension funds in the U.S. and the world are worried that major fossil fuel companies may not be as profitable in the future because of efforts to limit climate change, and they want details on how the firms will manage a long-term shift to cleaner energy sources.

In a statement released Thursday, leaders of 70 funds said they're asking 45 of the world's top oil, gas, coal and electric power companies to do detailed assessments of how efforts to control climate change could impact their businesses.

"Institutional investors must think over the long term, which means that we must take environmental risks into consideration when we make investments," New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli told The Associated Press in a statement.


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