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RAC Vaccines and Vaccination Group

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RAC Workgroup Efforts Focused on Vaccines and Vaccination

The Resilient American Communities (RAC) Vaccines and Vaccination Group is examining and acting on the issues surrounding vaccines development, distribution, vaccination logistics and execution, as well as vaccination strategy, safety, efficacy, trust, and hesitancy.  Special attention is currently focused on COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination. 


Hank Rappaport Jan Booher John Girard Kathleen H mdmcdonald mike kraft

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Chinese Covid vaccines getting widespread distribution despite some concerns.

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The plane laden with vaccines had just rolled to a stop at Santiago’s airport in late January, and Chile’s president, Sebastián Piñera, was beaming. “Today,” he said, “is a day of joy, emotion and hope.”

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Texas. Mississipi drop mask requirements

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas announced on Tuesday that he was abandoning the state’s face mask requirement imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic and will allow businesses to operate at full capacity, saying “it is now time to open Texas 100 percent.”

The wide-reaching announcement in Texas came as similar rules were being lifted elsewhere: Restaurants, schools, movie theaters and bars are reopening and shedding restrictions in some of the nation’s biggest cities and most populous states, prompting more Americans to emerge after months of isolation and bringing the country closer to a semblance of life before the coronavirus pandemic.

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Merck will join with rival Johnson & Johnson to step up J&J's Covid vaccine production


Under a White House-brokered deal, Merck will help boost supplies of its rival Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine

The pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co will help manufacture the new Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine under an unusual deal, brokered by the White House, that could substantially increase the supply of the new vaccine and ramp up the pace of vaccination just as worrisome new variants of the virus have been found in the United States.

The arrangement, first reported by The Washington Post on Tuesday, comes just days after the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency authorization to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

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